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To not want to give my sister in law the money?

52 replies

smugtandemfeeder · 05/08/2011 14:10

DHs family are like the maffia. Have posted before about them booking all our family holidays. Every year they book a holiday in a cottage for the whole family, they pay, they decide where and when we are going. We are all expected to turn up and if we dont we are ostracised.

DH and I are in agreement that in future we will not be attending. Never ever again if I have anything to do about it.

For the most recent holiday MIL booked a cottage which was too small for all of us. We were still all expected to go, where the hell she thought we were going to sleep I dont know.

SIL decided that she would book the cottage next door so that we had enough bedrooms and emailed to ask for us to share the cost between me and two SILs.

At the time I said I didnt want to go, I hadnt been asked if I wanted to go, hadnt been asked which week were were going for, where we were staying. Nothing. Just asked to contribute to the cottage. I said I cant afford it and I dont think we should have to pay. SIL ignored me and said she was paying my share and I could pay her back when I could afford it.

We went on the holiday and it was a fecking nightmare and we came home early.

Have now had an email from SIL asking me for the money. Its not a huge amount but we cant afford it. But we did go on the holiday and I didnt reply when she said she was paying my share to say I wouldnt pay her for it.

AIBU to make a fuss about it? Or just learn a lesson for the future. lesson learnt.

OP posts:
HerHissyness · 05/08/2011 19:03

I agree with the idea of proportionate payment. It'll be fair and it'll send a clear message that you're not being run rough shod over again. Email them all to say that from now on you'll be making your own holiday plans.

HerHissyness · 05/08/2011 19:04

Oh and you're right, there would still be alcohol in the food. Your H has a right to refuse, FGS, not like the world is short of chicken casserole recipes is it?

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