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To suggest that men may be to blame?

19 replies

snoopdogg · 17/07/2011 13:59

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this - maybe in 'airheads with stupid ides'?

Any way, I was thinking about the appalling road traffic accident and death statistics in the UK and wondering what on earth we could do about it.

Then I realised, you only have to walk through WH Smiths to see the acres and acres of shelfspace devoted to car and bike magazines and they're all aimed at men!!!!

What do you think - maybe if we could just stop men buying these magazines they wouldn't want to go out and kill people on our roads

OP posts:
joric · 17/07/2011 15:28

Aura- it wasn't taken that way!
Snoopdog- So many stupid questions on here I just assumed this too was real!!

snoopdogg · 17/07/2011 14:43

Not trying to be especially funny, more like trying to point out that crass generalisations are just that and that some issues are a teeny bit more complicated..... Grin

OP posts:
AurraSing · 17/07/2011 14:19

Sorry, joric. That sounded like I was having a go at you, but I wasn't Blush

TrillianAstra · 17/07/2011 14:19

worraliberty was funny

The OP was not especially

HowlingBitch · 17/07/2011 14:18


Best reply ever. :o

AurraSing · 17/07/2011 14:18

Well, I laughed. Grin

joric · 17/07/2011 14:10

Well I took it seriously...:(

joric · 17/07/2011 14:09

Well, the men in my family are absolute k*s when it comes to cars and driving.... Obsessed with it. Alpha male gone mad. The fact that there are so many magazines on the subject show that my relatives are not alone....I'm sure some are irresponsible when driving themselves and others who are not. Cant generalise.

cory · 17/07/2011 14:08

For those who missed the original thread, it claimed that the reason the NoW recently came a cropper is all due to Wimmin- because they read glossy celebrity magazines and hence encourage an interest in Gossip!

TrillianAstra · 17/07/2011 14:07

So this is a joke thread? About another thread? Hmm

FoofusScrimgeour · 17/07/2011 14:06

Ah. Thread about a thread.

She's talking bollocks and You aren't funny.

snoopdogg · 17/07/2011 14:05

Yeah, and men obv Wink

OP posts:
ThisMomentusDay · 17/07/2011 14:05

read the 'women are to blame thread' first then ul get what the op is saying!

BluddyMoFo · 17/07/2011 14:04

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

cory · 17/07/2011 14:04

very naughty- thread about thread

but having read the other thread- it was a little bit funny.... Wink

ApocalypseCheeseToastie · 17/07/2011 14:03

Oh ffs.

worraliberty · 17/07/2011 14:02

Unless they're reading them while driving, I really can't see your point....

ThisMomentusDay · 17/07/2011 14:02


Hammy02 · 17/07/2011 14:01

I don't think anyone 'wants to go out and kill people'. I have to agree that it if I see someone speeding, it is almost always a man. Equally, if I see someone dithering, it is usually a woman or someone old.

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