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catgirl1976 · 24/06/2011 21:05

that I have spent a lot of time and money slathering my stomach, sides, bum and thighs with oils and all sorts of things to avoid stretch marks only to have them appear on my breasts!? No one told me about that. I feel the stretch marks have somehow done this on purpose and have been laughing at my oily tummy the whole time

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COCKadoodledooo · 24/06/2011 22:03

Stretch marks are like ninjas I reckon - they pop up in the middle of the night out of nowhere and overpower you. They do fade though.

And your boobs might shrink or they might not. Went from 36DD pre-preg with ds1 to 34F after (via 38GG). With ds2 they went up to 34J but 20 months on they're back to 34F.

catgirl1976 · 24/06/2011 21:44

god i havent even checked the backs of my knees! probably riddled. bah - horrible things!

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happy2bhomely · 24/06/2011 21:36

It's pot luck/genetics. I've had 4 big babies ranging from 8lb to 11lb. Just a few little stretch marks on my bottom! I got huge and thought I couldn't stretch any more- but I think I'm just very elastic because it stretched all the way out and then bounced almost all the way back! My boobs went from a small Bcup to an Ecup and they don't have a mark on them but are certainly not what they used to be! I've seen other Mum's, only 6 months gone and they are covered from backs of knees to tops of boobs. My Mum got bad stretch marks but me and my sisters have all been very lucky.

CharleneysWishWellingtons · 24/06/2011 21:30

catgirl same thing happened to me.. then again, i've used bio-oil almost every day since i've been pregnant and my stomach is still producing the dreaded purple lines! Sad s'not fair!

catgirl1976 · 24/06/2011 21:29

thanks scarlett.....maybe they will go. At least very few people see my boobs these days.....

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scarlettsmummy2 · 24/06/2011 21:29

my boobs shrank but I was quite happy about this as they were a bit to big before I was pregnant anyway.

PelvicFloor0fSteel · 24/06/2011 21:28

I also took good care of my stomach and ended up with stretch marks on my breasts, to add insult to injury I also got them behind my knees Confused. I didn't gain any weight worth mentioning on my legs, so why???

MrsSchadenfreude · 24/06/2011 21:28

And they are red, red, I tell ya. Fade to silver, my (stretchmark free) arse.

MrsSchadenfreude · 24/06/2011 21:27

Bollocks do they fade. DD2 is nearly 11 and my stomach still looks as if it had been ravaged by a tiger. They are at least a centimetre wide and go from just under my boobs to beneath my pubes. I have put people off having kids by showing them my stretchmarks. when I have been very drunk

catgirl1976 · 24/06/2011 21:27

seems v only 20 weeks so doubt they will be covering me from head to toe in no time. Maybe we can somehow make purple zebras the new look?

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scarlettsmummy2 · 24/06/2011 21:27

I don't know about wether the stretch marks will fade, but my boobs were pretty much ok after my first pregnancy and I breast fed. The skin is definitely thinner but I don't feel overly self conscious. Don't stress too much! When I was pregnant I was convinced I was going to be a giant blob with sticky out tummy forever, but actually it was no where near as bad as I thought. You will be fine.

VanillaRooibos · 24/06/2011 21:26

Just boobs have got bigger since preganancy and breastfeeding really saggy but do they ever shrink or will they just stay bigger

MummyTigger · 24/06/2011 21:24

I've been riddled with the bloody things since week 16 (god knows why!), even though I've been a user of Bio-Oil for at least 4 months prior to me getting pregnant. Sides, inner thighs and belly are absolutely grotesque, and my partner is blatantly lying to me when he comes up behind me, hugs me close and tells me he's never found me sexier Hmm.

I feel like a purple zebra. Angry

Somehow though, my boobs have got NONE, even though I've gone up almost 2 cup sizes! Strange things.

VanillaRooibos · 24/06/2011 21:24 stretchmarks haven't gone. I may be wrong, maybe there are others out there who have managed to get rid of them (feels hopeful)

GypsyMoth · 24/06/2011 21:24

i dont know. just havent. bump wasnt overly huge,just a big baby! easiest birth of them all tho.

catgirl1976 · 24/06/2011 21:23

oh and i mean on the beach - not in the daily star!

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catgirl1976 · 24/06/2011 21:23

i may not like the answer to this but tell me they go? or are they here for good now? :( are my topless days behind me?

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VanillaRooibos · 24/06/2011 21:22

I know, i tell you my stomach and boobs are ruined, ruined I tell you by having children! I used to have pert boobs, now they are saggy and stretch marked, (sorry TMI), ditto stomach. Sorry for your stretchmarks catgirl bummer. I really think it's random luck. Tiffany how could you have 10lb 3 baby and no stretchmarks, you must have the stretchiest skin. DS was 10lb 2!

catgirl1976 · 24/06/2011 21:19

i wouldnt mind but my breasts didnt even get that much bloody bigger. Arse went huge, belly went huge obvioulsy - and NOT A MARK. Breasts - up a cup size max and look like tube map. Where is justice??

OP posts:
GypsyMoth · 24/06/2011 21:16

i'm 5ft 11 so there was room to stretch i guess,tho dc number 5 was 10lb 3!

catgirl1976 · 24/06/2011 21:15

my mum didnt get any so between that and my strict regieme with the lotions and potions i was feeling pretty smug. Until I got i just feel somehow cheated :(

OP posts:
VanillaRooibos · 24/06/2011 21:15


I am jealous. I went through whole pregnancy with DS1 with no stretch marks on stomach. Then DS wouldn't come out and was 16 days late. In those 16 days I got stretch marks on my belly! And then on boobs! DS was 4.5kg! Bikini days are over (sigh)


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GypsyMoth · 24/06/2011 21:14

what do you mean jonnyfan?

faintpositive · 24/06/2011 21:14


catgirl1976 · 24/06/2011 21:13

oooh am jealous :( maybe i still would have got them even if i had have oiled 'em up but still feel miffed.

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