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TO POINT OUT We have never watched as little TV as we do now.

58 replies

GabbyLoggon · 22/06/2011 09:39

When we were much younger we would settle down to 5 or 6 hours viewing on a regular basis.

Las night we watched half an hour. Now it is not just that TV has got worse. It is mainly I suspect because we have changed. TV has few new tricks to show us. How is it for you?

OP posts:
hiddenhome · 22/06/2011 19:16

The tv is rubbish these days. There's nothing on worth watching.

Remember when Channel 4 first started? That was decent television viewing and the plays on BBC2. It's all dumbed down shite now.

I do other stuff.

dh likes Top Gear Hmm

Horrible Histories and Ooglies are worth watching Grin

sharbie · 22/06/2011 19:59

dramas and documentaries used to be great - now they are pretty much unwatchable

HidingInTheUndergrowth · 22/06/2011 20:08

I don't have a tv, haven't had one for years and I would never get one again.

Though to be fair we do have a projector and watch lots and lots of films and catch up on stuff on the iplayer and 4OD.

I hate the space they take up and the way they become the focus point of a room like some awful black hole. Also I have no self control so just end up watching crap if I have a tv.

TantePiste · 22/06/2011 20:19

And I dont think it is a smug thing, but just that right now it is not configured in a way that is a good value. I am in the states and we have to pay by the month and the amount varies by how many channels. Don't know if it is the same in UK. But you end up paying for much more than you want, and it does not allow for you to just pick and choose what you want. They charge far too much for what we actually want from it.

People I know who watch tv tell me that dvr lets them watch just what they want, but they are just more devoted to setting it up to record certain things. I'm sure we could never be that organised.

What we really want is a menu to order from, probably online, and send it to the tv to watch. :o

wimpybar · 22/06/2011 20:20

tv is rubbish mostly, but on a good note tenko is being repeated again Grin

RedHotPokers · 22/06/2011 20:22

Two words: Box Sets.

House, 24, West Wing, ER. Lovely!

c0rn551Lk · 22/06/2011 20:26

There's nothing worth watching. Bring back The Tudors

BsshBossh · 22/06/2011 20:27

There was as much rubbish on TV back when I was a kid as there is now but we watched it more because TV was all there was to do when you simply wanted to veg out. Today there're many more alternatives to TV for vegging now eg the internet, video consoles, Kindles, iPads, mobile phone games etc etc.

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