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TO POINT OUT We have never watched as little TV as we do now.

58 replies

GabbyLoggon · 22/06/2011 09:39

When we were much younger we would settle down to 5 or 6 hours viewing on a regular basis.

Las night we watched half an hour. Now it is not just that TV has got worse. It is mainly I suspect because we have changed. TV has few new tricks to show us. How is it for you?

OP posts:
BsshBossh · 22/06/2011 20:27

There was as much rubbish on TV back when I was a kid as there is now but we watched it more because TV was all there was to do when you simply wanted to veg out. Today there're many more alternatives to TV for vegging now eg the internet, video consoles, Kindles, iPads, mobile phone games etc etc.

c0rn551Lk · 22/06/2011 20:26

There's nothing worth watching. Bring back The Tudors

RedHotPokers · 22/06/2011 20:22

Two words: Box Sets.

House, 24, West Wing, ER. Lovely!

wimpybar · 22/06/2011 20:20

tv is rubbish mostly, but on a good note tenko is being repeated again Grin

TantePiste · 22/06/2011 20:19

And I dont think it is a smug thing, but just that right now it is not configured in a way that is a good value. I am in the states and we have to pay by the month and the amount varies by how many channels. Don't know if it is the same in UK. But you end up paying for much more than you want, and it does not allow for you to just pick and choose what you want. They charge far too much for what we actually want from it.

People I know who watch tv tell me that dvr lets them watch just what they want, but they are just more devoted to setting it up to record certain things. I'm sure we could never be that organised.

What we really want is a menu to order from, probably online, and send it to the tv to watch. :o

HidingInTheUndergrowth · 22/06/2011 20:08

I don't have a tv, haven't had one for years and I would never get one again.

Though to be fair we do have a projector and watch lots and lots of films and catch up on stuff on the iplayer and 4OD.

I hate the space they take up and the way they become the focus point of a room like some awful black hole. Also I have no self control so just end up watching crap if I have a tv.

sharbie · 22/06/2011 19:59

dramas and documentaries used to be great - now they are pretty much unwatchable

hiddenhome · 22/06/2011 19:16

The tv is rubbish these days. There's nothing on worth watching.

Remember when Channel 4 first started? That was decent television viewing and the plays on BBC2. It's all dumbed down shite now.

I do other stuff.

dh likes Top Gear Hmm

Horrible Histories and Ooglies are worth watching Grin

EndoplasmicReticulum · 22/06/2011 19:13

I watched lots as a student because there wasn't anything better to do. Didn't have the internet then. Had no money to go out.

I don't watch it in the same way any more either, I tend to record whole series and watch them when I want, rather than watching at a certain time.

I'm going to watch a programme about weeds on BBC4 tonight. That's weeds, not weed. I've got old.

diabolo · 22/06/2011 18:51

I watch Sky News @ 6am, HIGNFY, Outnumbered, University Challenge, Question of Sport, ANTM and BNTM and The Apprentice religiously, but that is all. (a nice odd mix there for you all, I'd like to see you put me in a box!) I started watching Game of Thrones, but missed an episode and then lost the plot!

I miss shows like Moonlighting, Twin Peaks, Buffy, LA Law, Kenny Everett Show, someone point me in the direction of series like those and I will watch them happily.

Triphop · 22/06/2011 18:51

We watch very little tv, but I'd say our 'screen time' is roughly the same, or more, as we're mindlessly net-surfing.

sharbie · 22/06/2011 18:48

it is boring and dull

must be on its way out

lubberlich · 22/06/2011 18:43

We don't do much telly either these days. Most of it bores me witless.
I'd rather listen to the radio and prat around on the interweb.
All the good telly stuff we watch on DVD - The Wire, House etc.

DilysPrice · 22/06/2011 18:27

We'll watch any programmes if they have any of the Top Gear boys in them. So that's about 2 or 3 hours a day covered counting Dave and BBC3 repeats - it doesn't leave much time for anything else.

I used to watch House and Glee but Murdoch has taken them now. I used to watch Strictly Come Dancing, but I only really watched it because I like Claudia Winkleman, and she's off on maternity leave so I may not bother this year.

DeWe · 22/06/2011 18:19

We don't a TV. See, I'm smugger than you... Wink

wigglybeezer · 22/06/2011 18:00

Well, we failed to get organised for the switchover (need a new ariel etc,) so as of yesterday, we have no channels at all. Will be interesting to see how the kids manage, our holidays start next week!

usualsuspect · 22/06/2011 17:57

I don't watch much TV ,I do sit in front of a computer screen most nights though

reikizen · 22/06/2011 17:55

I watch horrible histories & sorry I've got no head more often than I watch anything grown up! I like 24 hours in A&E and watched all the case histories recently but honestly could live without it. Watch 'love film' DVD on a Fri night. In our 20s DH & I would sit and watch it all night, and it was shit then as it is now...

valiumredhead · 22/06/2011 17:54

We've just bought a 42 inch TV and we are watching everything under the sun! It'll wear off though, it's just the novelty factor atm Grin

TantePiste · 22/06/2011 17:50

We only use the tv to watch dvds some evenings. In choosing a pastime, internet wins. It is just more interesting overall.

That said, I do miss some specific shows, and we are desperate for Game of Thrones to come out on dvd so we can see it - have read all the books.

Also, I was really babysat by tv and my memories of childhood contain countless hours of tv watching and video game playing. I'm really over it. Hope my kids have a much more interactive, busy childhood.

evolucy7 · 22/06/2011 13:02

I too find the telly really quite boring.

We only have one in the lounge and it developed a fault a while ago and was taken to be investigated. It couldn't be fixed so have received money back. We were without a telly for 4 weeks and it was fine. I admit to watching The Apprentice on my laptop!

I don't think the children who are 4 and 5 even noticed! I did toy with the idea of not getting another, but thought by the winter it would be more noticeable and the money may then have been 'lost' in daily expenditure.

The DC watched the new one for the 1st time last night and couldn't find anything they wanted to watch. What do 4 and 5 year olds watch? CBeebies as I always thought is boring and now they agree, especially I think as they have not seen it for a month, but what else (just freeview) is suitable for them?

Itsjustafleshwound · 22/06/2011 12:49

But saying that people don't watch TV misses the point - the days of generic, please-them-all, family shows have gone - there are as many stations as there are programmes.

I put my hand up to being a big fan of the BBC channels - BBC3 has some incredible and enjoyable documentaries, but most of my TV watching is done on my PC (Iplayer anyone) and watching SKY Atlantic.

CBeebies is a favourite too in this house


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ByThePowerOfGreyskull · 22/06/2011 12:48

I agree with Becknotts
since we have had our humax we record the programs that I am interested in and then watch back when we have the telly on (ignoring the childrens crap)

Our tv broke last month and the picture went, it made me realise how little I watch it, I usually listen to programs whilst I am doing a puzzle or online or something else.

OhYouBadBadKitten · 22/06/2011 12:48

I think I watch around 4-5 hours a week. dd maybe 2 hours a week. Screen time tends to be pc time and as laquitar says children are so much busier.

becknotts · 22/06/2011 12:46

Think On Demand/Watch Again Catchup functions mean I actually watch decent TV rather than whatever is on so BBC4 /C4/More4 documentaries , US series (Games of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire)
Cannot remember the last time I watched Primetime BBC or ITV, hate reality shows, soaps anything "celebrity"
Essentially I have become my mother.

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