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To be absolutely crapping myself?

68 replies

ScaredyDog · 11/01/2011 22:33

Suppose this is the wrong place to come for hugs, but I do like it here.

I've been bleeding on and off for a few weeks and had strange symptoms, fluttery stomach, pains in my bum and back, now my shoulder is killing me.

Got to ring for an emergency drs appointment tomorrow for the afternoon and I'm so scared.

I really, really am scared of being examined and what they might say. I'm crying just thinking about being examined. I'm such a baby Blush

OP posts:
coatgate · 13/01/2011 11:08

Glad to hear you are feeling much happier.

Thingumy · 12/01/2011 23:24

me too!

Am pleased you are happier.


Mumwithadragontattoo · 12/01/2011 23:22

Glad all is well.

berri · 12/01/2011 19:20


IAmReallyFabNow · 12/01/2011 18:48


openerofjars · 12/01/2011 18:45

Oh, phew! So glad to hear all is okay x Well done!

ScaredyDog · 12/01/2011 18:34

IAmReallyFabNow Thanks, you really have been fab :)

Can't believe I've been such a tit getting myself in a state and never having been examined properly before, I didn't even feel a thing so I've been on the phone lecturing my friend who is due a smear to make sure she goes.

OP posts:
Lovethesea · 12/01/2011 18:34

Great news!

IAmReallyFabNow · 12/01/2011 17:39

I am glad you are feeling much better Smile.

LoopyLoopsIsNoLongerFestive · 12/01/2011 17:37


ScaredyDog · 12/01/2011 17:35

Oh and I will be going for my smear when things settle down as I'm not afraid any more.

I want to tell everyone out there who ignores things because they don't want to go for one that there is absolutely nothing to be bothered about - and I am the biggest baby there is.

OP posts:
PatPending · 12/01/2011 17:32

Awwww - good for you Scaredy

Those pills will sort you out - had something similar myself during pre-menopause when I was all over theplace cycle-wise.

Glad to hear you feel much better!!

ScaredyDog · 12/01/2011 17:30

I was in such a state (even though the test was negative) DP took me to the hospital, A&E doctor got the gyny lady to see me, who was just lovely.

It wasn't scary at all, she couldn't give me a smear because I was bleeding and not on the hospital's system or something, but she examined me and took some swabs - I don't know why I was such a baby, it really was nothing.

Gyny wasn't worried, said my cervix was fine (but that didn't mean not to go for a smear, but everything looked ok and to stop worrying about cancer) and she's put it down to either hormonal ups and downs due to coming off the pill or maybe endometriosis.

I've got some tablets that will stop the bleeding that I have to take for three weeks and then everything will hopefully go back to normal.

I'm so happy, thank you so much for all of your kind words and help I am so grateful.

OP posts:
GabbyLoggon · 12/01/2011 15:16

Good Luck with your visit to the doctor.
It is natural to be nervous. I often am.

verytellytubby · 12/01/2011 15:12

Good luck.

HibernoCaledonian · 12/01/2011 15:05

Best of luck. I hope your appointment goes well.

coatgate · 12/01/2011 14:48

Ooh poor you - good luck at the docs

ThinThatch · 12/01/2011 14:38

Hi ScaredyDog,

Just wanted to say that I hope all goes well at your appointment later.

My Mother died of cervical cancer so every little niggle down there terrifies me too but if caught early (and it usually is now due to women going for regular smears) it's curable so please try not to work yourself up into a panic.

Come back and let us know how you get on won't you.

Good luck! x

hifi · 12/01/2011 11:08

scardy i had very similar symptoms and convinced myself it was ovarian cancer, turned out i had veins near my cervix that were bleeding and needed to be cortorised[sp].
i had also had a letter back after my smear saying they couldnt get a proper result for the bleeding.
before i was treated the nurse who did my smear put the wooden stick thing in and a cup load of blood spilled out, she said "oh dear you really need to see someone" thats when i started googling. hope it goes well.

IAmReallyFabNow · 12/01/2011 11:08

I hope the test is positive and the doctor can put your mind at rest. I was worried I had cervical cancer as I had a lot of the symptoms. My GP said there would be more signs if I did have it and the symptoms wouldn't have gone on so long. I sometimes still worry but only in the I don't want to leave my kids way.

Good luck.

LoopyLoopsIsNoLongerFestive · 12/01/2011 11:06

Is the 5pm appt the earliest they could do? I'd be asking for one sooner tbh, just for peace of mind.

ScaredyDog · 12/01/2011 10:56

DP has gone to buy a test. I'm just so scared I've got cervical cancer. I could deal with just about anything else. I'm in a right old mess.

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Memoo · 12/01/2011 10:55

Hi Scaredy, I had an ectopic that ruptured a few years ago. I got the shoulder tip pain, it happens when the tube has ruptured and you have an internal bleed. If your shoulder pain was been caused by a ruptured ectopic you would definately know about it by now.

You should still definitely get checked out asap though x

BovrilonToast · 12/01/2011 10:50

I agree, please do a pregnancy test. Smile

LoopyLoopsIsNoLongerFestive · 12/01/2011 10:39

Hope you're feeling OK. A agree with mumwithadragon. PG test now.


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