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To want people to stop referring to "my iphone", "my Blackberry", etc?

71 replies

SnowyGonzalez · 23/12/2010 19:56

For example:

"So nice to see you again! Let me put your number into my iphone."

Why not just say "phone?" I find it an unspeakably naff indication of how much commercialism has seeped into every aspect of our lives. The other thing I loathe is: "Sent by my Blackberry", for the same reasons.

I know the word 'Hoover' was/ is used in much the same way, and it means we the consumers do a great job of promoting these products for free. We really shouldn't, should we?

OP posts:
5DollarShake · 30/12/2010 17:16

Oh yes, from the 'can you please pass me my Mulberry handbag' ilk. Grin

It's not a club with a secret handshake that you only get the nod to once you've passed some sort of initiation. Anyone can walk into a shop and, like, buy one...


Helenagrace · 30/12/2010 16:45

I have a BlackBerry which I do refer to as "my BlackBerry". In my defence that's because it is more than a phone to me - I run three companies and part run dh's so I virtually live on the thing. It has all sorts of work notes and spreadsheets on it as well as my work appointments. I see it more as a laptop that rings.

I have left the "sent by BlackBerry" tag on the signature as an explanation for the somewhat dodgy formatting you sometimes get when composing emails on one.

It's a bit hypocritical of me though as I normally can't stand people referring to the brand rather than the thing. I have a friend who always says "I'll just put the children in the audi", "I'll just pop this shopping in the audi". Why do that?? It's a CAR!!! She also often says "I'm off to [insert name of locally rather well regarded road]" rather than "I'm going home". Bizarre - we all know where she lives!!

ChazsBrilliantAttitude · 30/12/2010 13:51

Hmmm... I do refer to my blackberry because that is my work phone as opposed to my own crappy old nokia absolutely not smart phone which is most definately just a phone.

SnowyGonzalez · 30/12/2010 12:27

Aww, diddums. Poor old Google!

OP posts:
NetworkGuy · 30/12/2010 06:31

Thanks for your response, Snowy - had not known Google got into a strop but found the article on the BBC site about it.

SnowyGonzalez · 29/12/2010 22:12

LMAO at Thruaglass!

OP posts:
Thruaglassdarkly · 28/12/2010 02:47

Yes, mildly annoying and pretentious but then you have to feel sorry for them if they think that THAT's worth bragging about. W**kers.

SnowyGonzalez · 28/12/2010 02:44

NWguy, it's a wonder that Google themselves got into such a strop over the turning of their brand into a verb, since it has earned them so much money.

Now how about this: if a brand, however hifalutin or crap it may be, wishes to have a celebrity endorse their products, they will pay through the nose for that privilege. And yet, on this thread and around the world, there are mugs people who are eager to do this for FREE??


OP posts:
MrsRhettButler · 28/12/2010 01:10

i call my blackberry my blackberry... although if i had an iphone i would definitely just say phone, why add the i? that sounds really stupid Confused

didn't know it even did that signature thingy though, and defo cba to change it... so fkn what?

CheekyLittleStocking · 28/12/2010 00:57

I have a Blackberry but its called 'my phone' i.e wheres my phone, get me my phone please? thats my phone ringing.

Xmas Wink

NetworkGuy · 27/12/2010 00:37

SnowyGonzalez - glad you can see through the marketing hype.

I was especially annoyed about Dotun Adebayo following on from his "100 books for the Virtual Bookshelf" with "100 tunes for the iPod" where it should have been more generic.

I find it so sad that the "more than just a phone" mumbo-jumbo trash gets into so many people. No, not a gramme of envy about iPhones, iPods, iPads, or Android superiors, but the naffness of so many brands being plastered in cyberspace.

Bad enough to see people paying money to have a corporate slogan on them (I would need to be paid to wear a T-shirt or other clothing with a brand on), or sports team, but when even the so-called media savvy people such as BBC presenters talk about "Googling for something" and themselves promoting a search firm it is a pretty sad day.

I will give credit to particular manufacturers when asked for opinions about competing products, but have to wonder whether Google is the top search engine mainly because of media attention.

(NB it is highest search tool only in the UK - I bet the French 'language fascists supporters' would throw a strop if "Googling" was used there by a radio presenter)

PS When I use an Android tablet or mobile I will certainly not be promoting the fact in anything I do, unless responding to a technical question about such an item.

Actuallawyer · 26/12/2010 19:11

My colleague's email signature is "sent from my generic smartphone - I'm too poor to buy an iPhone".

proudfoot · 25/12/2010 02:02

PMSL at "my 5 bedroom house" and "my audi car"Grin

One of my colleagues always says "my iphone" - e.g. when leaving the office "if you need anything, call my iphone" - I find this really, really cringe. It's the old iphone as well so you would have thought she'd have got over it Confused

VickstaS · 25/12/2010 01:33

My sil would never dream of saying 'my house' it's always 'my 5 bedroom house'. Never mind there is no room to swing a cat in the living space.

Sent from my IPhone.

A1980 · 25/12/2010 00:03

I find it poncey beyond belief to say my Iphone, etc.

But then I've never given a shit about brands and expensive gadgets.

I have a shite mobile phone that has a camera on it and rings and sends texts. That's it! That's all I need it to do Grin

Hulababy · 24/12/2010 22:50

Have ever thouht to delete the "sent from my iphone" - do I have to do it every time or is there some setting to click on? Not sure I can actually be bothered!

Anyway - I'll come back tomorrow when I have my Chrostmas present and post again "from my iPad" Xmas Grin

Bechka · 24/12/2010 22:46

Rudolpherina - snigger!

Sent from my beautiful iPad

rudolpherina · 24/12/2010 22:33

The day I left MY IPHONE in Starbucks was one of the worst ever. FAR worse than when we lost ds. At least he could tell the people who he was. My poor IPHONE was at the mercy of a thankfully good hearted waitress.

fireblademum · 24/12/2010 12:57

we have a namedropping tosser at work who keeps finding ways to say MY BLACKBERRY at every opportunity, including calling IT with fictitious problems. just so he can shout MY BLACBERRY across the office. wanker. iphones are sexier anyway.

< sent from my hp netbook while feeding wriggly baby and coverd in babysick>

wannaBe · 24/12/2010 12:49

I have an iphone and I wouldn't refer to it as "putting your number into my iphone". I have only recently deleted the "sent from my iphone" disclaimer at the bottom of my signature though because it does seem a bit pretentious.

I do kind of think differently about "putting your number into my blackberry" though because I tend to think of a blackberry as an email device rather than as a phone, like a laptop/netbook/pc, iyswim.

AbsofCroissant · 24/12/2010 12:44

Oh yay for this thread! I have a blackberry and was rather annoyed that it kept on adding the wanky "sent from my blackberry handheld" to emails without my permission, but now I have been told how to remove it. Yay!

I was thinking of coming up with a whole bunch of other ones, for the other methods I use to send emails
"sent from my work email address when I should have been doing Important Stuff"
"sent from my macbook, while sat in PJs covered in popcorn"

SlightlySparkly · 24/12/2010 12:41

Brilliant pecan!


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theevildead2 · 24/12/2010 12:39

I work on switchboard. I get loads of Can I be put through to XYZ's Blackberry?

I think it's really weird. Like Blackberry is the ONLY possiblity for a mobile phone

christmaseve · 24/12/2010 12:37

I agree they are tossers, I'm also Envy because I don't have either.

pecanpie · 24/12/2010 12:33
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