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To not want BIL to know I'm pregnant and be devastated he's coming for Xmas

51 replies

Ladyofthehousespeaking · 12/12/2010 12:14

Oh god.
I've posted about him before, luckily he lives abroad so we don't have to cross paths too much.
He's a complete narcissist/mysogynist an has a very ugly very scary manipulative streak. He hates me and becomes obsessed with bullying me very cleverly when he visits (he will do things when we are left in a room alone like spitting in my tea, throwing rubbish at me etc)
he is just an out and out bad person.
He as decided he will come to PIL for Xmas - well at first he said he would only come to our house 90 miles away from PIL, I said no immediately.
I can get around him at Xmas- I will spend Xmas eve, Xmas morning and boxing day with my family.
Both PIL and DH know what he does now after witnessing a nasty incident where he called me a bimbo whore with shit for brains. So I know I have some support.
Anyway, I'm 7 weeks pregnant and we were planning to tell out families at Xmas- thought it would be lovely etc etc :(
I don't want him to know. I just know he will turn it into a living hell for me.
It's mad because I was never bullied as a child and have always stuck up for myself but since DH told me BIL was coming I've been so stressed- my hands were shaking and sweating and it's started again now I've started writing about it.

OP posts:
becaroodolf · 12/12/2010 13:31

I am very surprised at your dh still wanting anything to do with this awful, toxic person.

Just dont go anywhere near him over xmas (your dh and PIL know why!) and announce the lovely news at New year, new baby, how lovely Smile

Congratulations x

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