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Totally numb

59 replies

feelingdesolate · 13/05/2017 00:43

Our lo moved in 6 weeks ago. Things have been very tough, but we knew we'd have some challenging behaviour to deal with.
We've just found out that our lo has been diagnosed as having severe learning difficulties but this has never been mentioned to us before... it's detailed in an Ed Psych report that was carried out in May last year but it wasn't in the lo's PAR, not in the pack of paperwork we were given, not in the medical advisers paperwork (the medical adviser never saw it) nowhere.
Now our lo has moved in and we've had our first LAC review, this report has just appeared. To explain, we have birth children, one of whom has autism so we said we couldn't cope with a child with severe difficulties. This was the opening line in our adopters profile.
At the review, the IRO said that if she'd seen our profile and held it up to our lo's, she would never had put us together.
There is a chance that our lo could grow up to become an adult with the mental ability of a 3 year old. I can't commit my birth daughter to be a lifelong carer for her adoptive sibling - this would be the situation when my husband and I have gone. She's only 12 - I can't map her life out like that.
We have been told we can complain, we have been sent the complaints procedure. The social services have said they will offer us counselling, training, support etc etc etc if we continue the placement.
I can't get my head around it. We said we wouldn't be able to cope with a child with severe difficulties and that is exactly what they have matched us with but hidden the damning evidence until it's too late!
We have to decide whether to continue with the placement or not. We have to try to explain to our children what is happening and try to explain to them the reasons why their new sibling might not be there any more.
I feel totally shell shocked, numb, sick, stressed out, can't sleep, can't eat.
My husband and I are coming to the opinion that our lo needs to be with someone who can devote all their time where we cannot.
How do you make such a huge decision and still carry on???

OP posts:
flapjackfairy · 17/05/2017 16:11

It is v sad for you all. Sending lots of love and best wishes x

C0RAL · 17/05/2017 16:48

I'm so sorry for what you, your family and this LO have been through. Words fail me on the SW.

feelingdesolate · 18/05/2017 17:42

Social services have just been out to tell lo about the next move - on Monday morning.

Bless her, my 12 year old has been sobbing and is distraught. It has been such a traumatic year with massive highs and now massive lows.

They asked her if she had any questions for them - she is definitely her mother's daughter... her words were 'How did Social Services manage to fuck it up so badly?'. I said she needs to say how she's feeling - perhaps not the most appropriate language but they certainly got the message, she is one very upset little girl. 😢

OP posts:
C0RAL · 18/05/2017 17:52

Oh bless her. How does a 12 years make sense of this? There is no proper explanation.

Im afraid that in the middle of your own anger and loss you now Have to help her come up with a version of events to tell her friends.


These poor children.

feelingdesolate · 18/05/2017 18:53

Exactly that Coral. She loves her birth brother but there's only 16 months between them and he stands a good 6" taller than her. This was her chance to have a 'little' sibling that she could play with and mother. She is angry they've dangled that carrot now taken it away.

We've arranged for big sis to take both of them out for the day on Sunday leaving my husband and me with lo for a few hours. It'll do all of us some good, I hope...

OP posts:
Italiangreyhound · 18/05/2017 23:52

I really hope this little one will be well again soon. Such a sad situation. Thanks

olderthanyouthink · 19/05/2017 00:14

It's unbelievable how you all could have been let down like this.

It's horrible that you have to be put in a position that causes so much pain while you try to do your best for everyone involved.

Make sure they never forget what they did here.

tldr · 19/05/2017 09:19

It's just awful from start to finish, hideous.

Wishing you all strength Flowers

OlennasWimple · 22/05/2017 03:06

How awful for all of you. I hope that somehow the situation is resolved and you all come out in a better place eventually Flowers

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