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How clean?

60 replies

nervouslurker · 18/05/2014 22:17

So, home visit this week- I'm right at the start. I've seen people joking on here about biscuits etc. So, a) chocolate hob nobs? Everyone loves those, right? Or should it be home made victoria sponge? And b) how clean does the house need to be? I'm assuming the fact that the homework table will have homework piled on it, etc is okay? Will the SW want a tour of the house at this stage? I use a floordrobe, do I need to madly sort this?

Sorry if this is annoying, and you have hundreds of threads on this- could you point me in their direction? Thanks.

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nervouslurker · 19/05/2014 19:30

Well, the pyrolitic oven clean was a really bad idea, then. The house now stinks of burning oven stuff smoke. Ooops.

Haha at the soft porn. I'm hiding any overt religious stuff!

OP posts:
Kewcumber · 19/05/2014 19:39

Hide any soft porn my Devora - I've never actually thought to adivse would be adopters to do that. I'll add it to my list.

Who was it, I'm sure it was someone on here, who already had a young child who showed the social worker out to the door carrying said child and bashed their head on the door frame not once but TWICE!!!!

Maryz · 19/05/2014 19:45

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nervouslurker · 19/05/2014 19:48

If I time/opportunity for sex, I wouldn't be adopting! Wink


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RhinosAreFatUnicorns · 19/05/2014 19:49

I'm afraid I committed the cardinal sin. I did not offer biscuits, not once Shock Having only found MN after DD arrived I was unaware of the etiquette. I made her lots of cups of coffee though (and she didn't appear to hold it against us!)

Maryz · 19/05/2014 19:50

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nervouslurker · 19/05/2014 19:56

I have no coffee! None! Not a drop! Shock

I have some Camp Coffee in the cupboard somewhere...

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Kewcumber · 19/05/2014 20:26

Oh god no not the sex convo!

nervouslurker · 19/05/2014 21:09

Are any of you religious? Did you leave any evidence of this around the house? Looking about, I'm surprised how much evidence there is! I was presuming I need to play down my faith? (I'm the sort who supports equal marriage etc. I'm a single mum, FFS, I'm obviously not a fundamentalist!)

I'll stop panicking soon.

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FamiliesShareGerms · 19/05/2014 21:10

Our SW did eat the home baking (and asked for the recipes) . But never drank a drop...

I like the Aged Aunt rule of thumb

I think the sex convo might come a few visits in Smile

Maryz · 19/05/2014 21:17

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HappySunflower · 19/05/2014 21:19

I have a strong faith. I don't think that's very obvious from coming to our home, but I do have quite a few books on the bookshelves and a few pictures with scripture on them dotted around. I didn't hide any of it, and was happy to talk about it when asked, which was a very good thing as my sw was very interested in how my faith might influence or shape the way I parented.

prumarth · 19/05/2014 22:11

On our first visit, we were asked if we kept porn or weapons on open display (we don't!). My jaw dropped. The next question was did we have a lock on the fridge and the distance between our banister railings. We were very confused about what might come up on visit 2!
I agree on dark chocolate digestives - she doesn't eat them but we fall on them when she leaves and scoff the lot as a release from all the anxiety. Then we put the hand grenades back on the fireplace Grin

Maryz · 19/05/2014 22:22

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MyFeetAreCold · 19/05/2014 22:56

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Maryz · 19/05/2014 22:58

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Nonnimouse · 20/05/2014 19:03

Oh this thread is just priceless!
Yes I have always found the "going crazy cleaning" posts made me nervous, with 4 children in the house it is NOT going to be tidy. (At least not MY house!) We go crazy a couple of days before sw visits and aim for "lived in" rather than "omg have you been burgled?!" It has been ok so far.
Yeah and in one visit my dog was so happy to see the sw it did an excited little pee, and another visit my toddler tried to run after us, tripped and got her first ever bloody nose. Good times.

Italiangreyhound · 20/05/2014 20:29

Oopse, that went wrong! I meant this

Italiangreyhound · 20/05/2014 20:33

I am 'religious', well a Christian nervouslurker. We had a picture frame and a wall hanging with a Bible verse on each, nothing too scary! Plus a gorgeous picture of Jesus washing the disciples feet.

On the first day I wore a pink shirt and realised I had a 'Jesus is the key' broach on the lapel!! ha ha, they still let me in.

We do have Bibles on the bookshelf but also a lot of cook books and I am no great cook so I don't think anything in our house was very 'worrying'! I am also very keen on equal marriage and had my place as a member of Accepting Evangelicals in case that question popped up!

Good luck, nervouslurker, when is it.

Italiangreyhound · 20/05/2014 20:34

PS after I was told to lose weight I stopped bringing out he biscuits and started brandishing the fruit bowl!

Italiangreyhound · 20/05/2014 20:38

My lapel badge saying Jesys is the key was tiny. Somewhat like this my lapel badge and very small tiny

So social worker would almost have had to be sitting on my lap to have been 'offended' by it!


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Maryz · 20/05/2014 20:41

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KneesoftheBee · 20/05/2014 20:50

Italian your link made me smile. I used to administer adoption panels and had to keep panel members happy with the biscuits (jaffa cakes always went down well ).

One day I decided to treat them to those Choco-Liebnez biscuits. Unfortunately, it was a warm day and the chocolate melts very quickly. It got quite messy Grin

nervouslurker · 20/05/2014 21:09

The floordrobe is no more. I am definitely just aiming for it not to be 'Have you been burgled?!'

I bought special soap (ours is fine, but it's solid, and got that used, cracked look) for the bathroom.

I'm not even conservative enough to be a member of Accepting Evangelicals, Italian!

I will place the fruit bowl somewhere prominent! And bake a cake. You were all right, I feel much better knowing that everything's fine.

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