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Up early to do my couch to 5k before work and it's bloody raining!!

52 replies

DebbieFiderer · 14/01/2021 07:20

I'm only on week 2 and I'm starting to really see that I'm making progress. I've already left it 2 days between runs (so last one was Monday) and I'm worried that if I wait until Saturday when I next have time I'll have lost some of the progress. Would you

a) go anyway and get soaking wet and have to wash hair properly before work, meaning that I might be late starting and will have to visit clients with wet hair
b) run on the spot indoors
C) try and fit in a run at lunchtime if it has stopped raining and I can finish my morning work in time (morning work is unpredictable, afternoon I have a fixed time I have to be somewhere)
d) write it off for today and hope I haven't become terribly unfit by Saturday

OP posts:
CormoranStrike · 15/01/2021 07:51

B - if done it on the icy days here and it is surprisingly effective

iMatter · 15/01/2021 07:52


Thanks all, you've inspired me and I'm going!

SorryOP - didn't read the whole thread! Well done for doing it
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