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A mask is supposed to go over your mouth AND YOUR NOSE

100 replies

Annoyance · 28/10/2020 17:22


OP posts:
musicposy · 30/10/2020 17:06

OP you are totally unreasonable. The mask is to be worn on the chin, removed completely for coughing and sneezing, and pushed down to the neck for shouting.

This! Someone got on the bus yesterday, coughing loudly, and took his mask off every single time he coughed. Another man just in front of me pulled his mask down repeatedly, rubbed his hand liberally over his face and mouth and then pulled the mask back up. Every 5 bloody minutes. The mask was a “disposable” one he had clearly bought in August and worn daily since - I’ve never seen anything so filthy looking. And don’t get me started on people closing all the windows or people who have never heard the words “social distancing” and can’t apparently read the notices to leave a gap or the big red crosses above the seats.

I swear I am walking the four miles from now on.

BerryPieandCustard · 30/10/2020 17:21

I work in a secondary school and sixth form in the kitchen, the amount of pupils in years 10-13 who I have to ask to encase their nose in their mask as well as there mouth is both annoying and alarming, the number of staff who have had to be reminded actually pisses me off.

I had one year 12 say that they found it uncomfortable to breathe with the mask over their nose (not exempt for medical reasons just uncomfortable) so I asked him how easy he thought it would be if he were to catch Covid???

I did chuckle to myself when earlier on during lockdown I saw a middle age couple in my local Lidl gloved up and wearing one of the more robust filter masks (like the photo) but had their noses sticking over the top. To go through the trouble of sourcing a filter mask and gloves to have your nose out struck me as ironic

A mask is supposed to go over your mouth AND YOUR NOSE
TopBitchoftheWitches · 30/10/2020 17:30

When you work in retail you can change mask when it is quiet.
You only have to wear them while shopping, for crap you dont need, and most of you can't even manage that.

ILoveYoga · 30/10/2020 17:38


I think I’m going to have a T-shirt made with this saying on it and wear it when I got food shopping

SpaceOP · 30/10/2020 17:38

Drives me absolutely crazy. Am so with you OP.

Staff in my local costa are ALL wearing it beneath nose. One woman told me somewhat patronisingly to please fill in track and trace. Now, I KNOW she HAS to tell me and if she comes across as patronising I am absolutely certain she didn't mean to but I snapped and said, "I'll fill in track and trace if you wear your mask properly."

Believe it or not, neither her nor the barrista felt embarrassed and started wearing them right. I won't be rushing back there.

I'm not even particularly paranoid. It's just that I think if your'e going to do it, do it properly otherwise don't bother. And they are preparing f888ing food!!!

ILoveYoga · 30/10/2020 17:51

If I wore this good shopping, do you think the shop would have any concerns with this?

A mask is supposed to go over your mouth AND YOUR NOSE
ILoveYoga · 30/10/2020 17:52

Food not “good”

PeterPomegranate · 30/10/2020 17:53

“ the best way to tackle it is to tell them their mask has slipped.”

Oh that’s a good idea! I’m going to use that.

IHaveBrilloHair · 30/10/2020 17:53

Gosh, haven't seen a mask thread for at least 2 minutes.

Annoyance · 30/10/2020 17:56

I started this thread 2 days ago.

OP posts:
Scrouge · 30/10/2020 18:00

Pictures in papers of Corbyn today- I saw and thought FFS. he should be suspended on those grounds alone...
Biden had one on recently that kept slipping down- you’d think a possible future president would have brain cells to adjust the wire over his nose
All supposedly intelligent men 🙄🙄

RuffleCrow · 30/10/2020 18:05

I guess they're mouthbreathers Grin never has the term been more apt.

Bearplumapple · 30/10/2020 18:07

Popped into M&S for a much needed croissant today. As I was going in a man I only saw the back of marched past me and a woman with a pushchair and two little kids on tow. He was in front of me at the till. His mask was not covering his nose. Who would have thunk it? Ffs. People can't not know? I appreciate thee will be some people who have nerbe6damage or something who can't feel it but that certainly can't be everyone I see with a mask under their nose.

Bearplumapple · 30/10/2020 18:08


I guess they're mouthbreathers Grin never has the term been more apt.

Haha nailed it!
Idroppedthescrewinthetuna · 30/10/2020 18:09

I was so annoyed on the bus the other week. I was with DP and the children, doing sch run. A nurse who is the type of person who shouts at the bus driver for being a minute late, got on the bus maskless, then stuck it over mouth but not nose. Now she works in a hospital so I would have thought she would know better! I said pretty loud to DP, it is ridiculous that NHS staff can't wear a mask properly, why can't people cover their bloody face!

Anyway, all forgotten! The next day this woman got on the bus, saw me and literally pulled her mask up to cover mouth, nose and eyes! I wasn't sure whether to laugh or applaud her idiocy! However it has worked as every sch run since DP has informed me she has a mask on when she gets on bus and it is covering nose and mouth.

ListeningQuietly · 30/10/2020 18:14

DD just got asked to take her mask off to be IDd
while buying masks
and beer
GrinHalloween GrinGrinHalloween GrinGrinHalloween GrinGrinHalloween GrinGrinHalloween GrinGrinHalloween Grin

DappledThings · 30/10/2020 18:20

I still find it bizarre that anyone can muster the energy to care enough about how everyone is wearing masks to make a thread on it.

Most people are wearing them and wearing them correctly. Some people aren't or aren't wearing them properly. Not worth the headspace worrying about it.

SoupDragon · 30/10/2020 18:32

I still find it bizarre that anyone can muster the energy to care enough about how everyone is wearing masks to make a thread on it.

Well, you mustered up the energy to post on one so...

Pizzaalover · 30/10/2020 18:33

I see men do this all the time and the poster who said about the mask being a beard warmer 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 so true

Pizzaalover · 30/10/2020 18:34

Feel sick @Detroitdarkcafe what a disgusting man

Pizzaalover · 30/10/2020 18:38

I had an NHS nurse colleague literally lean over me to use the phone while I was on the computer I could feel her breathing that’s how close she was. But I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to start an argument but I was just baffled at how close she was and she stayed like that for around 5 minutes chatting on the phone

DappledThings · 30/10/2020 18:50


I still find it bizarre that anyone can muster the energy to care enough about how everyone is wearing masks to make a thread on it.

Well, you mustered up the energy to post on one so...

I do recognise the irony. But I think it takes more frothing to have the energy to start a conversation than to contribute to one!

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icebearforpresident · 30/10/2020 19:25

As my husband put says, a mask under your nose it’s as pointless as wearing a condom over your bollocks.

I work in a town centre, not in retail but unable to work from home. I’d say 50% of people I see passing that wearing a mask are wearing it incorrectly.

Hisham · 30/10/2020 19:52

I teach in a secondary school...I got so fed up asking students to please wear their masks properly that I've had to use a different tactic. I now have a print out of Peppa Pig with a large X on it...
I've explained I don't want to see nostrils looking up at me, so now when I say Peppa, they know to pull the mask upGrin

Dowser · 30/10/2020 20:06

Why anyone is averse to breathing in oxygen instead of their own fetid breath is beyond me.

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