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Anyone else dreading winter ?

79 replies

Lardlizard · 23/09/2020 17:10

I really am, but gonna have to try n make the best of it somehow !

OP posts:
PlanetBong · 30/09/2020 18:28


I hate it. Bulbs are the answer - I have snowdrops coming out in December, crocuses in January then the daffs start with different varieties coming out in succession till March, when the tulips get going. They keep me feeling positive.

I love this idea.
Lardlizard · 30/09/2020 18:57

Yes I love the bulbs idea too

Planet bong thanks

OP posts:
Zyros · 30/09/2020 19:32


Don’t laugh but pumpkin lights for the bedroom, a silk pair of knickers in orange, Halloween socks and mask for Halloween.

Haha brilliant!
Saz12 · 30/09/2020 20:18

I absolutely loathe autumn. Everything you look at is decay and death and the end of things. Every sunny day feels like “The Last One”. Even crappy weather isn’t as bad as it will be next week/ month. Then there are all the smug deckers talking about “the beautiful light, making the most of it, amazing colours on trees”. Yes, because the leaves are dying.

Winter is OK, at least you have a sense of things waiting rather than things dying.

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