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Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers are often the same people

56 replies

DomDoesWotHeWants · 17/07/2020 07:13

I'm in lots of different facebook groups and follow lots of pages connected to various hobbies and music interests.

I've seen a distinct correlation between ant-vaxxers and those objecting to masks. Is it just an anomaly or are other people finding the same?

OP posts:
BertiesLanding · 17/07/2020 11:39

Definitely a correlation, and often the underlying unifying factor is a deep-seated issue with authority.

Vintagevixen · 17/07/2020 12:51

Not me.

I hate masks, will avoid situations with prolonged mask usage, WILL wear a mask where it is mandated because generally I am a rule follower. Think the science behind wearing some cloth over your mouth is very flimsy indeed, feel they are a placebo to make people feel better after being scared the crap out of. Wear N95 for work so know the difference. However, as stated, I will wear one as its now mandated. Also don't buy into the whole be considerate to other people moral superiority stuff - people do all sorts on a daily basis that is inconsiderate to others (drinking, smoking, overeating, driving, flying, taking illegal drugs) that cause deaths and consume resources. However they are not communicable, so people don't really worry about those. we as humans are pretty selfish on a lot of occasions, most of us are guilty of this.

I am rabidly pro vaccine esp as a medical professional. My DD has had and will have all her vaccines. I will be first in the queue for a Covid vaccine.

The one doesn't always equate to the other.

timeforabrandnewnameagain · 17/07/2020 13:30

Ha ha no I'm anti mask and I'm fully in support of vaccinations. We aren't all loony Confused

LolaSmiles · 17/07/2020 13:35

Based on my experience:

Almost all anti-vaxxers tend to be anti maskers (and also seem convinced Covid is a fake virus or a conspiracy by Bill Gates)

Not all anti maskers are anti-vaxxers. Some are just bloody minded and are keen to go to the pub, others are skeptical of the government's handling of this shitshow and consequently aren't sure if they'll bother.

Equally some, like me, are annoyed at the endless contradictions over face coverings, but have still worn one when shopping.

ResIpsaLoquiturInterAlia · 17/07/2020 14:03

Not necessarily true but presumably some correlation and general trends? Possibly more anti scientific evidence or possibly those who have a extraordinary healthy risk appetite and invincible?

Possibly also those that may or not not take illegal drugs, legal tobacco products and relaxed too as to transportation safety such as car safety seat belts and age appropriate child safety seat systems etc etc etc.

Bit of massive overall generalisation so yes one can put these separate risk and health and safety measures into a matrix and see if any or many tick all or some of these boxes to statistically be more accurate.

No offence to any of the above categories as there are mandatory scientific based laws for a reason for all of the above which may or may not directly impact your own personal (or immediate local community) health and safety.

Stay safe and risk alert!

SirSamuelVimesBlackboardMonito · 17/07/2020 14:21

Possibly more anti scientific evidence or possibly those who have a extraordinary healthy risk appetite and invincible?

Possibly also those that may or not not take illegal drugs, legal tobacco products and relaxed too as to transportation safety such as car safety seat belts and age appropriate child safety seat systems etc etc etc.

Hilarious. None of those apply to me. Still don't like masks.

Right, best go - I need to inject some heroin, light up a fag, chuck the baby in the footwell and drive to get the eldest from school, travelling at 60mph through the 20 zone. Laters!

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