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Oh dear...dd2 is packing a bag...and leaving

108 replies

lucysmam · 19/04/2019 12:32


I do hope she doesn't decide to pack my new overnight bag Grin

OP posts:
3boysandabump · 19/04/2019 14:37

My grandmother lived 3 doors away when I was younger. I used to think my mother was awful for not chasing after me then i realised many years later she used to phone my gran and warn her I was on the way in a strop 😂

Bloodybridget · 19/04/2019 14:42

AventaRizon your poor friend, that's so sad.

CommeDesPoissons · 19/04/2019 14:47

That's so sweet. Reminds me of this ad:

CommeDesPoissons · 19/04/2019 14:48

Sorry, not an ad, it's a short film.

Rafabella8 · 19/04/2019 15:03

I ran away once - to the end of the road. Was 4 or 5. I took a Gideon bible! Not a religious bone in my body now.

SchadenfreudePersonified · 19/04/2019 15:07

When I ran away aged about 5, I took the Argos catalogue with me.


The Laminated Book of Dreams (Bill Bailey)

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 19/04/2019 15:11

I tried that when I was about 11. Packed a bag and said. I'm leaving and I'm never coming back. I got as far as the front gate and turned back and said. I'm not going now, because its starting to rain. Grin

SchadenfreudePersonified · 19/04/2019 15:15

We thought it would be fun to go and live in the wild

That Enid fucking Blyton has a lot to answer for.

JosephineHass · 19/04/2019 15:27

Grinwhen I was around 10 years old, I got crossed with my parents about some trivial thing so I decided I want to run out too.
But I wasn't brave enough to leave our home so instead of that I just decided hide in our huge cherry tree in our garden and vindictively watched my parents desperately looking for me and calling me.
Looking back now I was truly bratty little girl.Grin

SecretWitch · 19/04/2019 15:28

I was very angry I could not go to a Shaun Cassidy concert when I was 11. I tossed a huge strop and shouted I was running of to New York to live with my love. My granddad handed me five pounds and gravely asked me to write when I reached NYC. I stomped out of the house, with my lip gloss and Loves Baby Soft. Started heading for the train station, walked a few miles, it was hot, so I sat down and cried.

A car rolled up and asked if I needed a lift. My granddad had followed me the entire time. We had lunch at the pub and he let me keep the five pounds.

Theninjawhinger · 19/04/2019 15:29

At least you lot made it out the house - when I was 6 I locked myself in the bathroom with my duvet, a book and some biscuits. I’d decided I was going to live in there, forever, because I didn’t want to be cold outside and as it had running water I wouldn’t die of thirst

It all was going well until my brother needed the loo, tried to bash the door in and buckled the lock. He had to climb through the window as I was then thourally stuck and I decided I didn’t want to live in there any more!

Theninjawhinger · 19/04/2019 15:30

Oh! And that reminds me of the time Ds was about 4 and I caught him on my mobile calling a taxi to take him to butlins in Skegness! He said he wouldn’t starve as there was cafes there Grin

flapjackfairy · 19/04/2019 15:37

I left home when I was about 7 with my best friend sallyanne . She had had a row with her mum and I went in sympathy.
I took some big bottles full of water, a block of cheese and a blanket.
We went to a local field and camped under a tree until it was dark when I heard my dad calling and went home again.
My mum was not happy and I was sent to bed in disgrace and told I couldn't play with sallyanne again.
The whole incident left me feeling v ashamed.
Such was parenting in the 70s !

EnidButton · 19/04/2019 15:48

Just here to see if Mini Lucysmam goes through with her plan when she wakes up. I suspect the lure of potential Easter eggs will be too much and she'll agree to stay for now.

I like the sound of her with her sunglasses and dramatic flouncing. Grin

mrsjoyfulprizeforraffiawork · 19/04/2019 15:51

When my uncle was about 2, he went on an expedition on his tricycle. He was stopped by passing policeman later, who asked him who he was. "I am Mrs Daniels' little treasure" (Mrs Treasure was the next-door neighbour).

mrsjoyfulprizeforraffiawork · 19/04/2019 15:52

Aargh! Mrs DANIELS was the next-door neighbour.

areyoubeingserviced · 19/04/2019 15:52

My dd ( then 6) said that she was running away because I sent her to bed early
She spent an hour meticulously packing her suitcase . She wanted to take some food from the cupboard. However, I said that if she wanted to make her way in the world she would have to get a job.
She then lugged her suitcase down the stairs, opened the door and sat on the drive for all of five minutes.
She then decided that she would come home . That was the end of it

DramaAlpaca · 19/04/2019 15:55

My neighbour came knocking on my door absolutely frantic one afternoon because her four year old had gone missing. The police were called & friends & neighbours rallied round to search for him. He was found a couple of hours later at the far end of our village. We found out later that he'd decided to follow his dad to work and just took himself off, not realising dad's work was a 30 minute drive away. My poor neighbour was beside herself, not surprisingly.

SecretWitch · 19/04/2019 15:55

@theninjawhinger, what a smart boy! Wish I would have thought of ringing for a taxi! No long, hot hike and I might have made it to New York!

@EnidButton, little girl flounces are the best😂

Nicolastuffedone · 19/04/2019 16:01

I left home when I was about 5. I packed my swimming costume (the ruched 1960’s ones that kids had) my party dress and silver sandals and just walked up and down the pavement outside our house.....

Whyknot · 19/04/2019 16:07

I remember packing my bag and leaving it by the front door with a note on top, saying my running away bag. Don't know how my mother kept a straight face Smile

SingingBabooshkaBadly · 19/04/2019 16:07

My uncle left home at the age of five. He took a bag containing five tins of cat food, a can opener and the cat. Smile


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lucysmam · 19/04/2019 16:10

@EnidButton she's still sock-on upstairs! I'm debating with myself whether to wake her or not since she clearly needs the sleep.

She flounces quite often, this is the first where she's decided to leave & actually got bags out to pack. It was soooo hard not to laugh at the drama Grin.

I too suspect the lure of Easter eggs will mean she stays put for the time being (that and Sunday's dinner is her choice this week so it's gammon - her absolute favourite dinner!).

OP posts:
FurrySlipperBoots · 19/04/2019 16:19

I once ran away to a completely fictional, I had a fertile imagination ballet school. I had carefully waited until my parents were making their way up to bed so we met on the stairs and they talked me out of it. If they hadn't I'd probably be a prima ballerina by now!

Why has nobody posted this yet?

Chartreuser · 19/04/2019 16:20

It is a source of great disappointment to me that the dcs are 13, 12 and 10 and none has ever run away from home. I was forever doing it (cucumber sandwiches and sat inside a bush in the front garden)

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