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Oh dear...dd2 is packing a bag...and leaving

108 replies

lucysmam · 19/04/2019 12:32


I do hope she doesn't decide to pack my new overnight bag Grin

OP posts:
IncrediblySadToo · 22/04/2019 21:07


Hope you’ve, overall, had a good Easter, you and the girls deserve it 😊😊😊

lucysmam · 21/04/2019 09:11

Haha, yes, still a Mum of two Grin She's currently happily Easter egg hunting with dd1 (those small, fillable, eggs!)

OP posts:
IncrediblySadToo · 21/04/2019 01:48

So, still a Mum of 2 this evening?

Bless. Bloody hormones are horrible around her age —and the next 50–. Hopefully she’ll be feeling better tomorrow after 2 nights sleep.

Myusernameismud · 20/04/2019 06:09

DD decided to run away when she was 5. And she was taking her little brother too 'because I don't want to leave him here with you meanie'. She dutifully packed a bag for the 2 of them which had about 4 T-shirts and 2 pairs of socks, a cbeebies magazine and some bread sticks. DS (3) made sure she packed some trains and his beloved snowy dog. They walked out and got all the way to the green in front of our house, sat down and ate their bread sticks, DS played trains and DD read her magazine. About half an hour later they came back in because a black cat 'with eyes that are straight lines' was watching them apparently. DD said it was definitely evil and they'd come back if I said I was sorry for putting the paints away. Grin

I ran away at 12, in the days before mobile phones, and managed to convince my friend we should run away to bognor Regis. We got the train from Victoria and stayed there all day. Got home and mum wasn't even remotely concerned I'd been missing all day. Turns out my total grass bag of a mate had told her mum where we were going, who then called my mum to warn her. Bet they were having a right chuckle about it....

QOD · 20/04/2019 05:48

My friend ran away once, the light hearted version is that I went along with her to the park en route to the hills and sat on the swings eating raw carrots with her (she’d bought a huge bag to see her through)
Eventually she realised we’d eaten them all so cried and came home to my house, mum rang her mum and she stayed with us on and off for the next 6 months or so until I changed schools and lost touch for a few years.

The sad version is that her dad and his friends ... yes ...
Why didn’t she tell me ☹️

ilikebeckerinmyoldage · 20/04/2019 05:09

My 10 year old packed a bag and said he was running away. I was really impressed he packed his ventolin and a torch Grin

BewitchedBotheredandBewildered · 20/04/2019 01:59

My son, aged 4, when I was having some silly argument with his slightly older sisters about favouring one or other of them, blurted out that he had run away twice yesterday and I didn't even notice!

He was right, I didn't!

When I was 10, my friend and I made extensive plans to cut up my mother's silver lame ball gown to make bikinis and swim the Atlantic to be with Elvis Grin (Presley) haha!

StinkyWizleteets · 20/04/2019 00:56

I had totally forgotten about my attempt to run away. My parents were on the verge of divorcing and I thought I’d i ran away they’d hve to stop fighting. I was up and out the house by 8am one Sunday morning. I went to the local park, played on the swings for ages, even attended a service at the local church for a seat then decided to go home to see if anyone had missed me. No one had even woken up.

EnidButton · 20/04/2019 00:46

thankfully, I don't own a car

Check your bank statement, she might've bought one.

GimmeBread · 19/04/2019 20:32

This thread has made me giggle! Argos catalogue wins I think 😀😀

smurfy2015 · 19/04/2019 20:27

I did a major strop when I was about 11, I packed a bag and sleeping bag, I had food, drinks, change of clothes and declared that was me leaving home for good.

That was around 5-6pm one summer evening, my mum climbed the walls that night as, by 11 pm, I hadn't returned.

By then I was feeling guilty but had intended to camp out but when I snuck back to the house, she hugged me and then took me to pick up the rest of my stuff. I had a camp set up in the ruins of an old church.

It was never mentioned again.

lucysmam · 19/04/2019 20:22

@EnidButton thankfully, I don't own a car Grin

IncrediblySadToo yes, hot chocolate seems a good idea. She changed pj's and is watching toddler tv programmes on Netflix so I think she's still tired. Fingers crossed!

OP posts:
IncrediblySadToo · 19/04/2019 19:18

Nice hot chocolate and a banana...hopefully that’ll help her go to sleep and stay asleep!

safariboot · 19/04/2019 19:10

PS: My socks and normal clothes I mean! Just not my shoes.

safariboot · 19/04/2019 19:09

I'm sure I went off in just my socks one time. Got as far as the park. Would have been either late jr or early secondary school age.

Duvetdweller · 19/04/2019 19:09

I ran away when I was about 8 - I don’t get very far as I wasn’t allowed to cross the road 🙄

EnidButton · 19/04/2019 19:03

Bless her cotton socks. Three bags is very impressive! How was she planning on carrying them all? Maybe she was going to take the car too.

lucysmam · 19/04/2019 18:28

Well, she's up and we've had tea. She's now watching Hop.

No mention of moving out or the three bags that are packed! I just hope she goes to sleep tonight as we were going to go out for a while tomorrow maybe Hmm

OP posts:
Msgiggles30 · 19/04/2019 18:26

I used to routinely try to leave or phone childline if I wasn't getting my own way Blush. I wasnt allowed to cross the road alone which really scuppered my running away plans, id just sit at the end of the street 😂

LindsayDentonsWineBottle · 19/04/2019 18:25

My friend and I ran away when we were 9, we were meant to be staying after school for netball practice, but we left, went down town, walked around for a bit, got on a train that we thought was going to London, it didn’t move so we got a taxi back to my friends house, no police called though, our parents went beserk! I was grounded for what felt like years!

VictoriaBun · 19/04/2019 18:18

When I was about 9 or 10 I ran away with my best friend. We caught a bus into town and hid in the park, it felt like we were away hours. Eventually caught the bus back home. We obviously wasn't away long enough for the police to be called but my parents and gets plus a few neighbours had been out to look for us. As a punishment my dad wouldn't let me back into the garden. I remember being really upset about that !

HotChocolateLover · 19/04/2019 18:11

When I said I was running away my dad called a taxi! I was bricking it waiting for it to arrive, which of course it didn’t as I was only 5!


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EnidButton · 19/04/2019 18:04

My best friend at school was a Lucy. She was top in drama and went on to do theatre studies at uni. Grin She was brilliant.

Zoflorabore · 19/04/2019 17:09

I'm convinced all Lucy's are drama llama's.
Mine certainly is...

Rowgtfc72 · 19/04/2019 17:07

Did wonder if it was a Lucy thing when I saw your user name. My Lucy is 12 and the biggest drama llama I know!

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