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TV shows you secretly love but are too ashamed to admit

349 replies

planespotting · 04/01/2019 21:01

I am addicted to Gossip Girl

This is so bad. I am 38 and a mum. I professional woman that has travelled and has strong opinions on most things.
Yes I swallowed Pretty Little Liars like there was no tomorrow whilst breastfeeding my newborn

Then Gilmore Girls again

And now from 8-9/8-10 I watch Gossip Girl
Love it
On season 5
Please tell me your dirty secrets 😫

OP posts:
DuggeesWooOOooggle · 04/01/2019 22:58

Ahh another Obese: fan, piffpaffpoff! I loved the contrast between the American version - lots of working out in the sunshine, the big family get together at the end with the person going on stage, with the British version where the poor sods were in the gym at 5am in January, the personal trainer has to move in to their tiny terraced house in Liverpool or wherever with them and it's just raining most of the time, and the final 'reveal' scene is down the working men's club or a barbie in the garden Grin. This is the time of year Pick TV tend to wheel it out again, it used to be on Sunday mornings. Hmm

MrsJayy · 04/01/2019 23:03

Say yes to the dress uk is rubbish compared to the US it is like a different programme.

ManicUnicorn · 04/01/2019 23:10

Love Island
Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares USA.

trinitybleu · 04/01/2019 23:14

Gossip Girl - watched it twice over. Nate was delish (I was 39 at the time ☺️)
All the Real Housewives - have a Hayu subscription just for that
Vanderpump Rules
Million Dollar Listings
Fixer Upper

AHintOfStyle · 04/01/2019 23:17

Say Yes To The Dress
Love Island
First Dates

AndNoneForGretchenWieners · 04/01/2019 23:19

I love Glee, but it's not on Sky any more :(

I also love Jane McDonald Cruising and the Tim West/Prunella Scales canal programme

DameBurleyChassis · 04/01/2019 23:23

Party of five. 38yr old me still believes that Charlie is going to fall in love with me and make me furniture...

storynanny · 04/01/2019 23:24

I really like Mes Browns Boys but every time it is on I can hear my late mothers disapproval. She was very very racist, staunch c of e, thought anyone who swore was common as muck and if she had her way would turn it off whilst I was watching it( I am 62 and able to choose my own tv viewing!)

groundcontroltomontydon · 04/01/2019 23:26

Why would they not ensure their place is spotless before going on TV?
Was watching an episode over Christmas where one B&B owner said that she'd turned over a stained mattress hoping that no one would find the stain - because that would never happen on a programme where rivals routinely poke around in shower drains and pack their own dust-seeking glovesConfusedGrin

DiamondsInTheMud · 04/01/2019 23:27

Had a scan through and dont think anyone has said my guilty pleasure, dont know whether to be proud or embarassed!! wars/storage hunters

I love it when they rumage through what they've bought, assigning ridiculous values to everything! And all the staged arguments/fights/dramas!

BartonHollow · 04/01/2019 23:31


It's on Prime now if that helps

Ftumch · 04/01/2019 23:33

Jerseylicious was ah-may-zing. "The higher your hair, the closer you are to God". It was a "reality" series about a bunch of obnoxious New Jersey beauticians/ hairdressers and their Guido boyfriends. I watched it religiously for a couple of years. It was on around the same time as Jersey Shore I think. I don't know if it's still on though.

JaneJeffer · 04/01/2019 23:36

Oh yes Jerseylicious was great. Proper trashy TV! I wonder what they're all up to now.

WowserBowser · 04/01/2019 23:36

I watch loads of reality shit. Love it.
My fave is Vanderpump Rules.

@trinitybleu high five

BillyAndTheSillies · 04/01/2019 23:36

90 Day fiancé
Teen Mom UK
Keeping up with the Kardashian's
Real housewives of Cheshire

Honestly the list is endless. I just love shit TV. Always have done and probably always will. DH rips me to shreds about it, but will happily watch along with me.

Wearywithteens · 04/01/2019 23:38

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Ginger1982 · 04/01/2019 23:43

Old reruns of Take The High Road

UnreasonablyPissedOff · 04/01/2019 23:44

I LOVE some shite tv and watch things like:

90 day finace
Are you the One
Married art first sight
My 600lb life
my 4 wives
first dates
first dates hotel
made in Chelsea
Nate and Jerimah by design
all variants of the Amish programmes

I think dh sometimes wonders why I am watching so many dating / relationship programmes.....married 15 years now!

beansonbread · 04/01/2019 23:45

I have many (don't think I watch many programmes that wouldn't be classed as cheesy rubbish!) but I'd say top of the list has to be Dance Moms. I've seen them all many times but still sky plus them every time they come round. Such a guilty pleasure!

IRememberSoIDo · 04/01/2019 23:51

Murder she wrote, diagnosis murder, monk, rizzoli and isles, castle, Columbo.....I won every game of cluedo this Christmas when my dad got it.....and they thought I'd been wasting my life watching all here shows. Who's laughing now?!

pinkiepie1 · 04/01/2019 23:51

I Watch storage wars/hunters. Its ace with the trash talk and the fights lol.

sweetkitty · 04/01/2019 23:52

Oh I love watching utter shite TV tonight for example we had
Botched by Nature
Then Strange Addictions about a woman who cannot stop sniffing pine cleaner

Also love
Say Yes to the Dress (agree Atlanta is the best)
Ice Road Truckers
My 600lb life
All those body bizarre shows


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holidaylady · 04/01/2019 23:54

I watched a few episodes of a Gucci Mane show. It was so mad, so bad but so good!
DH refused to be in the same room when it was on.

nocutsnobuttsnococonuts · 04/01/2019 23:57

Me and my DD's love watching cake wars. We watch every time a new episode comes on channel 4!

I used watch loads of crap t.v. I love catfish, storage hunters/wars, pawn stars. Don't watch so much now as I don't have as much time when dh isn't here to judge to watch what I like!

AndNoneForGretchenWieners · 04/01/2019 23:59

Barton thanks!

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