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TV shows you secretly love but are too ashamed to admit

349 replies

planespotting · 04/01/2019 21:01

I am addicted to Gossip Girl

This is so bad. I am 38 and a mum. I professional woman that has travelled and has strong opinions on most things.
Yes I swallowed Pretty Little Liars like there was no tomorrow whilst breastfeeding my newborn

Then Gilmore Girls again

And now from 8-9/8-10 I watch Gossip Girl
Love it
On season 5
Please tell me your dirty secrets 😫

OP posts:
elfyears · 04/01/2019 22:06

Any of the crap they show on TLC..... yes I will anonymously admit that I am one who watches Counting On... The Little Couple, and a personal favourite Outdaughtered.

Being on maternity leave has ruined me. DP has no idea what happens during nap time.

twilightcafe · 04/01/2019 22:07

Real Housewives of Atlanta.

newdaysameplay · 04/01/2019 22:08

I can't believe no one has said Ibiza Weekender? Absolute trash tv but I can't wait for the series on Sunday! I can't get enough?! Oh the shame!!

groundcontroltomontydon · 04/01/2019 22:10

Catfish and Four in a Bed

PaintBySticker · 04/01/2019 22:11

Diagnosis Murder is great - I’m not a regular viewer but if I catch it I always enjoy

On a similar vein: Death In Paradise

Channel 4’s Posh Pawn (about a pawn shop that would take your jewels and sports cars off you when you met hard times)

Used to love Pimp My Ride (I would never ever pimp my actual ride)

Guiltypleasures001 · 04/01/2019 22:13

I used to,love awkward on MTV
And I love Cat Fish Grin

IHaveBrilloHair · 04/01/2019 22:17

Four in a bed is fabulous Sunday watching.
The episode where the insane woman showed everyone her cat graves is a highlight.

DarkDarkNight · 04/01/2019 22:17

Gossip Girl and The OC. Cringeworthy as I was too old for them.

On a different note Murder, She Wrote and Diagnosis Murder, just cheesy feel good tv that I don’t have to think about.

IamFrauBlucher · 04/01/2019 22:18

I watch continuous repeats of Friends. Not only when it's on Ch 5 now but over and over on Netflix. From 6am in the morning until I rise at 7am, and then I go to bed and fall asleep to it on my phone. BlushBlushBlush

SymphonyofShadows · 04/01/2019 22:19

PLL and The Originals, especially for Elijah but it’s finished now.

I get really sucked in by things like American Pickers and can spend hours watching them buy utter shite. Today the women bought Evel Kenevel’s muffin maker and various other kitchen paraphernalia for no apparent reason.

contblin · 04/01/2019 22:20

I hate reality tv. My usual taste kinda more masculine, horror, guts gore... but i sure does loves me those damn housewives ... in secret, when home alone

HalfBloodPrincess · 04/01/2019 22:24

Can’t pay well take it away is my all time favourite.

Adventure time (I am lumpy space princess)

Uncle grandpa


KUWTK ( only up to Kim’s wedding to Kanye)

Honey boo boo

Geordie shore

(I’m a 37 year old mother of almost 4 and an ex goth - if only my old gang could see me now 😱)

MrsJayy · 04/01/2019 22:24

I get really sucked in by things like American Pickers and can spend hours watching them buy utter shite. Today the women bought Evel Kenevel’s muffin maker and various other kitchen paraphernalia for no apparent reason

We can spend whole saturdays watching recorded American pickers the crud people keep!.

MrsJayy · 04/01/2019 22:25

Deadliest Catch Blush

Milliepatch · 04/01/2019 22:27

I have watched all of gossip girl around 3 least 😂. Also loved Desperate Housewives.

JaneJeffer · 04/01/2019 22:27

Deadliest Catch is brilliant. Poor Phil Sad R.I.P.

BartonHollow · 04/01/2019 22:33

I'm really varied in what I watch so I do watch a lot of "prestige TV"


I can't believe we're this far in and no fucker has mentioned Catfish! You all have to get on to this absolute gem of 😱tv immediately

Anything that involves peoples houses being absolute middens and being cleaned up such as currently on Netflix Consumed and Tidying Up

Ultimate Beastmaster Blush

A couple of throwbacks

I used to absolutely binge Extreme Makeover : Home Edition AND cry Grin

Wife Swap

And ones were Amish kids experience Modern Life

Oh and ANYTHING related to Posh Schools/Boarding Schools/Parents of Talented Children - so the awful ones who are pushy or the ones that have a child on stage. I find it fascinating Blush

BartonHollow · 04/01/2019 22:34

Oh. I've cross posted with Catfish mentions. As you were. Grin

MrsJayy · 04/01/2019 22:36

Oh extreme make over home edition I loved that they usually had a 3 bed house and 10 children because they adopted their sisters kids oh how I howled every week,

DuggeesWooOOooggle · 04/01/2019 22:37

I absolutely loved a series called Obese: A Year To Save My Life where someone morbidly obese loses an absolute fuckton of weight. There were a few series with a quite hot personal trainer called Jesse (and they did a British version with an American trainer called Chris) - I just love seeing them start to take their lives back and become healthier. It's not about them getting skinny - the people are hugely obese and it's affecting their life, and most of them do really well although the trainers are totally uncompromising though and give them he'll for having a pudding on Christmas Day etc! Wish they would make more. My 600lb life isn't so good, the people don't seem to have the same motivation, I don't find it as uplifting.

American cooking shows on food network - Pioneer Woman, the one with the Italian lollipop headed lady Giada, Diners, Drive ins and Dives ("we're rolling out all over this town"). Never get the chance any more as DS insists we watch paw patrol or some other shite.

PassTheGinPlease · 04/01/2019 22:39

Mine are all Australian series which are a pain in the arse to find over here. Love Child was one until they cancelled it.
I also loved Gossip Girl OP. Except the ending which never made sense to me.

JaneJeffer · 04/01/2019 22:45

I loved Top Gear with Clarkson, May and Hammond. Miss it so much especially not having the Christmas special Sad


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Piffpaffpoff · 04/01/2019 22:52

All the Housewives
Million Dollar listing NY and LA

I spent a happy day mostly watching Aussie Gold Hunters last weekend

Four in a Bed although I think I’ve seen them all now ☹️

Pioneer Woman and Man vs Food

Duggeees I enjoyed Obese: One Year to Save My Life too. It was so nicely done, - kind, positive and encouraging.

RegularShowRules · 04/01/2019 22:56

Someone mentioned 'how to get away with murder' I don't think that's a guilty pleasure it's quite slick with flashbacks etc

My guilty pleasures are Riverdale even though I'm almost 40 I enjoy watching high school American kids get in situations that would never happen
Four in a bed , i wish I had a B and B to go on this program as people who go on it are clueless. Why would they not ensure their place is spotless before going on TV??..

Redyoyo · 04/01/2019 22:57

Say yes to the dress, me and dd6 love it, we critique the dresses and pick our favs.
It makes a change from teen titans.

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