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Ask my anything - I’m a nhs gp receptionist

277 replies

Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 09:47

Thought this might help having seen the other thread !

OP posts:
Arcadia · 30/01/2021 13:21

Do you go the extra mile for patients who are chatty and friendly? I find the receptionists at my surgery really lovely and helpful, but I go in with a bit of a 'charm offensive' when I call, and they always seem to accommodate me!

SpudsandGravy · 30/01/2021 13:29

Hi OP, and thanks for this. Very useful!

I'm winding whether you can clarify this for me. Last year my GP wanted to refer me to hospital for a test. I needed a letter that my GP had produced so that I could ring the hospital with the reference number.

Receptionist refused to send the letter out, and told me to collect it instead. I work full time and would have had to take time off to collect the letter because the surgery isn't open on Saturday. When I asked why it couldn't be posted I was told it was because of 'data protection', even though (obviously) I receive post from hospitals when necessary, and it's never been an issued.

I asked if they could therefore email the letter to me instead, but the receptionist said they couldn't because of 'data protection'.

I felt (still feel, tbh) that they were just being difficult. In relation to the letter I suspect it was simply about them not wanting to pay for a stamp. At that time I had monthly prescriptions posted to my house in SAEs provided by me, and clearly that had never been regarded as a data protection issue.

Have you come across some weird intermittent 'data protection' problem of this kind? And how about the email?

Many thanks if you can help. I'm normally very happy with my GP practice, and receptionists and nurses are normally very helpful, but this experience really annoyed me.

SpudsandGravy · 30/01/2021 13:53


Did you need any qualifications to get the job? I notice your grammar is terrible, are you just being sloppy because its mumsnet or is this genuinely how you spell/type?

Wow, you're so rude and offensive! Did you train for that or did it come naturally? Hmm
TheSunIsStillShining · 30/01/2021 13:53

very practical question. We moved out of catchment area, can gp simply kick us out? or do they have to transfer us - meaning they have to wait for me to find a new gp

Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 14:23

@TheSunIsStillShining they will put pressure on you but won’t kick you out . You have to transfer yourself

OP posts:
Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 14:24

@SpudsandGravy she is being difficult for some reason . We do this all the time

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Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 14:26

@acardia I try to be reasonable and helpful to everyone as I believe in karma . But you do get favourites. And if people are rude you feel less likely

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TheSunIsStillShining · 30/01/2021 14:57

[quote Sunnydays999]@TheSunIsStillShining they will put pressure on you but won’t kick you out . You have to transfer yourself[/quote]
Thank you!
We'll move as soon as we can get a place elsewhere, but all local new gps are closed to new ppl.

Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 17:44

@TheSunIsStillShining have a look round and ask for recommendations

OP posts:
SpudsandGravy · 30/01/2021 17:45

[quote Sunnydays999]@SpudsandGravy she is being difficult for some reason . We do this all the time[/quote]

Thanks! I'm not sure why, but it makes me feel better to hear that you agree Thanks

bloodywhitecat · 30/01/2021 17:51

We have a lovely receptionist and an awful one, DP phoned for an appointment when he was bright yellow with painless jaundice, she told him he could have an appointment in a week as it wasn't an emergency. Is that kind of thing outside of a receptionists remit? We are in two minds as to whether or not to add it to the list of complaints we have about how his case was managed.

Tigger001 · 30/01/2021 18:30

If a receptionist is deemed qualified enough to determine the need for an appointment, why on earth would they ask where my steroid injection was to be administered, make me an appointment, then the doctor advise me upon my arrival.... he couldn't administer it (wasted appointment ) ?

Does the doctor not view his appointments for the day

Should the receptionist not be trained on this properly and if they are not, in fact, knowledgable enough to give correct information, speak to the doctor first before wasting everyone's time.

Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 19:14

@SpudsandGravy I just don’t know how she can justify it x

OP posts:
Whatflavourjellybabyisnice · 30/01/2021 19:17

Thanks for baring your soul with the AMA, OP. Not easy

Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 19:20

They are given in lots of places . We are told to ask where . You need to people for some procedures

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Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 19:20

@Whatflavourjellybabyisnice Thankyou. I just wanted people to know why Smile

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Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 19:22

@tigger you have to say you think it’s an emergency. That’s what we have to ask

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Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 19:23

@TheSunIsStillShining you need to consider
What is the policy with keeping your own gp
How many in the surgery
How often should you expect to wait

OP posts:
Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 19:25

@Tigger001 in relation to speaking to to the doctor - each surgery is different what they expect of reception. But do e minimum wage most wouldn’t take that responsibility. We are going as we are told

OP posts:
Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 19:29

Also just to add most of the reception staff are now booking covid jabs - no extra staff so everything is low and delayed . I used to work 16 hours - now 44

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Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 19:32

@PurBal I can speak to colleagues but the gps own the practice . We do as we Are told

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Edgeoftheledge · 30/01/2021 19:35

Why are most of you horrible?


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Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 19:36

@Edgeoftheledge why what would you say is horrible about us ?

OP posts:
Sunnydays999 · 30/01/2021 19:38

Lots of people leave as they are Low paid and get sick of acting as a gate keeper of services. When people leave you suffer as no one can be recruited quickly due to checks . Most staff are lovely - we don’t make the rules

OP posts:
TheCanyon · 30/01/2021 20:07

Well I for one thank you @Sunnydays999

Our receptionist usually ask for the reason so they can get the appropriate appointment. Imagine my surprise when a few weeks ago when I called and the lady said she had no medical training so would get to to call me back asap.

Our dcs friends mum works in the back office/occasionally on reception, anytime she's phoned us with blood results or med queries she ALWAYS asks if it's ok to come from her.

Have you ever berated a patient for not getting help sooner? I got in trouble once from the receptionist as I couldn't walk or breathe properly without crying. I knew then from her reaction that I wasn't very well Grin

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