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When is it safe to have a wax after childbirth??

46 replies

CrazyAlien06 · 21/11/2011 08:04

As the question asks really lol. Any beauticians out there who can tell me when is considered 'safe' to get waxed? I remember Ministry of Waxing in London saying there is a specific length of time before I can have one with them but can't remember how long it was lol.just wondering about more local salons really

OP posts:
Iggly · 21/11/2011 14:08

Well I'd give it 6 weeks - you might be too sore etc to want anything touched or ripped down there Wink

musttidyupmusttidyup · 21/11/2011 14:10

I'm not sure you'll care about your hairy bits for a while.

DuelingFanio · 21/11/2011 14:13


FruitSaladIsNotPudding · 21/11/2011 14:16

I'm guessing you haven't actually had the baby yet??

TeWihara · 21/11/2011 14:24

Ring and ask them.

(And really, you will not care)

CrazyAlien06 · 21/11/2011 15:15

yeah I had my baby 8 weeks ago and I care as getting myself back into a decent state of normality is my plan :)
I shall call around all the local salons I guess then

OP posts:
Secondtimelucky · 21/11/2011 17:41

I can't imagine many people bother for some months, but if you are bear in mind that you will want any stitches to be very well healed, especially if you want, er, serious levels of hair removal. So even if they say a time, you'll need to use your own judgement.

first1 · 21/11/2011 18:39

I had a Basic bikini 3months after then back to hollywoods 9months after when gynae gave the go ahead that scar tissue was healed. It needs to heal internally as well.

CrazyAlien06 · 21/11/2011 19:22

Thanks first1
that's the time scale I was Thinking of :-)

OP posts:
Velvetcu · 22/11/2011 08:06

I had dd 5 weeks ago and I really want to get my waxing done but stitches are still a bit sore Sad I can't stand being so hairy!

thousandDenier · 22/11/2011 08:09

Can't you just have a tactical shave for a few months?
NoSeriously · 24/11/2011 02:55

I can't imagine wanting to have my fanjo abused in such a way 8 weeks after the horror that was childbirth.

But anyway we're the wrong people to ask, ask your doctor/midwife as they will comment on when it is safe for you to have a wax as it will depend on how you've healed and what was done at the time of birth.

OhdearNigel · 24/11/2011 16:19

FFS, are women now under so much pressure to look groomed and perfect at all times that a woman 8 weeks post natal is expected to wax Shock

I am speechless

first1 · 24/11/2011 16:35

It's just my personal opinion that hairless is nicer. I feel cleaner and blokes prefer it.

FruitSaladIsNotPudding · 24/11/2011 17:09

So you'd all better get down to the salon, or you'll be dirty and (gasps) men might not like it!

OhdearNigel · 24/11/2011 17:24

"blokes prefer it"

Yeah, cos obviously the first thing a woman with an 8 week old baby needs to be thinking about is her "bloke's" vaginal grooming preferences.

Is this what we are teaching young girls ? That the central, most important thing in her life is to be what "blokes prefer" ?

Secondtimelucky · 24/11/2011 17:28

I tried to steer clear of the political point for once, but I totally agree Nigel. I find all the tyranny of looking shag-worthy at all times (and the definition of what that means) deeply depressing in our society. I remember reading an interview years ago (may have been with Penny Lancaster, but that's a very vague recollection so may also be totally incorrect) in which the female celeb said that she and her partner were back to having sex after only a couple of weeks because it was important to tend to his needs as well as the baby's. Not that she wanted to. His needs.

OhdearNigel · 24/11/2011 17:50

What I find even more annoying is that the OP posted about being exhausted feeding at night, baby cries for hours at a time and she is utterly knackered.

But rather than having a nice relaxing massage/facial or something, no, she can have hot wax poured onto the bit she recently pushed a bany out of then have all the hair ripped out by the roots. Just because her "bloke prefers it".

I find this thread and some of the posts on it horrifyingly backward.

irnbruguzzler · 24/11/2011 17:54

Oh well if blokes prefer it then thats ok

first1 · 24/11/2011 18:27

"I FEEL CLEANER". Some of you need to read. It's a personal opinion.

Secondtimelucky · 24/11/2011 18:43

We did read. There is a whole load of unpicking to be done about why someone would feel it was 'cleaner' not to have pubic hair.

But also, people were responding to your statement that 'blokes' (actually, I think that's a bit of a generalisation, but I'll pass that by) prefer it. Why? Because of the pornification of our culture (because i don't think it was the case 25 years ago)? For another reason?

Sometimes the surface statement or the surface opinion is not the whole story. We are all influenced by the world around us.

first1 · 24/11/2011 19:02

Probably for the same reason men don't like women with hairy armpits or legs!


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MrsOzz · 24/11/2011 19:03

I had a wax about two months post birth. I had no grazes or stitches and felt pretty normal down there. We had had sex by this point and that was also comfortable so took that as confirmation I was ok for a trip to the salon again.

I also had a wax every 4 weeks during pregnancy too. DD was very considerate and arrived a couple of days after I had been waxed :D For me it about confidence. Rightly or wrongly or socially influenceD or not, the day the most people see my fanjo (and it could be caught on film), I wanted it looking glorious!

Velvetcu · 24/11/2011 19:09

Well personally I feel better about myself when it's neat and tidy down there, similarly I also do my eyebrows, top lip, armpits and legs. I find being waved relaxing and it's a bit of me time. Couldn't care less what blokes think - dh won't be seeing it for a long time yet!

Am I to assume that those opposed to the statements on here are au naterel in all areas?

Secondtimelucky · 24/11/2011 19:15

Well, there are feminist issues about leg shaving or what have you. However, personally I find total bikini waxing more of a feminist issue because of the unfortunately pre-pubescent appearance and the fact it only became part of popular culture through massive exposure to porn. There are plenty of threads on this and explaining the issues, so I think I'll move on...

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