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Yoga to help with dizziness / feeling spaced out?

4 replies

Rainydays55 · 09/06/2021 15:20

Can anyone recommend any yoga positions / routines to help the feeling of dizziness / spaced out or to increase energy?

OP posts:
2Rebecca · 01/07/2021 22:24

I have had to switch to more yin yoga as my benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) a common course of dizziness particularly as women get older got triggered by rapid positional changes like Sun sequence and vinyasa flows. Yin and slow Hatha are fine. Eckhart Yoga on youtube has some good yin sequences, just dont push the stretches and stop at your edge

KERRYANN001 · 20/06/2021 10:55

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speakout · 17/06/2021 19:21

I think any symptoms need to be checked out medically- especially dizziness. Yoga can enhance well being but is no replacement for medical care.
Dizziness can be a symptom of many things- illness/ thyroid/hormone/ear problems- I would suggest a check up- especially if you also have lethargy.
Consult your GO before starting an exercise programme.

FirstTimeMother88 · 11/06/2021 19:01

No idea but I am so here for the answers!
I suffer terribly with disassociation and dizziness!

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