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Does anyone else find they hate their job somedays because of a colleague?

4 replies

LolaTheShowgirl · 11/06/2009 12:48

There is one colleague in my immediate team and when I work with her, it's hell.

We barely speak for the 3/4/5 hour shift we're on. Maybe it's because we have nothing in common. I tried speaking and making conversation but she gives one word answers. She is also quite abrupt. She is not like this with any of the other staff. It's starting to affect my work performance now and I find that because i'm scheduled to work with her for a few days next week, i'll be worrying about it on my days off.

OP posts:
supersalstrawberry · 11/06/2009 22:51

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LolaTheShowgirl · 11/06/2009 22:46

curlygal, it's awful, isn't it?

20yearsofboredom, lololol! No, fortunately for her, I do not but I do talk about my chicken welfare protests to all the rest of the artyfarty chicken loving types They must think i'm a loon!

OP posts:
20yearsofboredom · 11/06/2009 18:43

do you talk to her about free range chickens lola

curlygal · 11/06/2009 18:42

Poor you that sounds horrible.

The people you work with can make all the difference to how you feel at work I find.

I've worked with some total horrors in my time. I had to work in an office with one other woman who I was meant to be supervising and she just made my work life hell.

Will there be other staff there next week when you are working with her?

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