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Please help, need urgent advice about nursing job interview today.

12 replies

mosschops30 · 02/02/2009 09:33

I have an interview today in an area closely related to what Im already doing. I qualified last september and my final 3 month placement was in the area I have the interview for today.

Originally I asked the head of department about jobs, he said there were some coming up, I went in to have a chat with him and he rang me when the job was advertised and I was shortlisted for interview.

Last week I found out that one of the guys I worked with is leading the interview along with the head of department and someone else. We didnt particularly get on when I was there and we didnt work well together.

Anyway the interviews were on Friday, but I was away for the weekend so we re-scheduled my interview for today. However last night I heard that one person had already been offered a job!!

So my problem is, do I believe the gossip that this person has been offered a post, do I go anyway and pretend I know nothing, do I phone the head of department and ask him, or do I phone HR and query whats happening.

AFAIK you cannot appoint without seeing all candidates.
But in their defence I think they have more than one post going.

So what do I do??

OP posts:
mosschops30 · 02/02/2009 16:18

Well I went and it was ok. The head of department looked totally disinterested throughout the whole interview which was a bit off putting. The guy who doesnt like me was lovely though.

Just gotta wait now, although I think my refs would have let me know if theyd been asked

OP posts:
nailpolish · 02/02/2009 10:08

A) you wont make a dick of yourself

B) he doesnt hate you

C) even if the job has gone inteview practice is very very useful

D) stop being so negative! you will never get the job thinking like that

let us know how you get on

mosschops30 · 02/02/2009 10:05

have just rung and spoke to head of department who said 'hi x, we're seeing you at 12, right'?

Nothing untoward in his voice although not sure Id know if there was.

I guess ive got nothing to lose by going, apart from making a dick of myself in front of man who hates me, but hey ive been through worse.

OP posts:
thegirlwiththecurl · 02/02/2009 10:03

yes, I'd second the fact that many people don't contact referees till after the interview - I have had many interviews for nursing jobs and I think a referee has only been contacted once prior to the interview, so don't worry about that. It sounds a bit unprofessional, what they've done, but it does sound like there is more than one job and I think you should turn up and be just as you would have anyway - even if, worse case scenario, the job has gone, you may not want to scupper your chances of jobs there in the future. Good luck!

mosschops30 · 02/02/2009 10:00

will do now

OP posts:
nailpolish · 02/02/2009 09:58

sometimes they dont contact the referees until after the interview

why dont you phone and say you just wish to confirm the time of your interview? see how they sound on the phone

mosschops30 · 02/02/2009 09:54

anaesthetics even!

OP posts:
mosschops30 · 02/02/2009 09:54

its in naesthetics.

Plus I have just found out that neither of my referees have been contacted!

Doesnt look great does it?

OP posts:
nailpolish · 02/02/2009 09:47

waht you could do is phone and say "hello i just wanted to quickly confirm my interview time" or something

but honestly, its common for more than one post to be vacant

but yes i do agree with you even if they have decided they definitely want that person they shouldnt have told her so before completing all the interviews

what dept is it?

mosschops30 · 02/02/2009 09:44

np it was the band 5 she's been offered (allegendly).
I am just pissed off because how can they offer someone a job when they havent seen all the candidates.
I just dont want to be wasting my time by going to an interview when they already know who theyve chosen, and that they already know too

OP posts:
nailpolish · 02/02/2009 09:42

THE budget not to budget

nailpolish · 02/02/2009 09:42

its really common for 2 or 3 jobs to become available for the same place at the samne time

maybe these posts have been vacant for a while but the dept has only just been told they have to budget to employ staff to fill them

if i were you i wouldnt mention it, id be pretty confident there are more than one job

OR it could be that the other post was for a different grade?

anywya, GOOD LUCK

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