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do you have the same rights going back a second time?

2 replies

giantkatestacks · 27/01/2009 19:48

This may turn out to be rambly - apologies.

Am going back to work at the end of April after my second maternity leave. After the first I went back 3 days a week. Subsequently a lot of people have gone back 4 days after mat leave and am worried they are now going to get 'ahead' of me (extra projects, management etc).

I have been told that I have to return to work under my current conditions - as there is a hiring freeze in the current market etc.

Is this correct - do you have to stick to your pre-maternity leave conditions or can you reapply for different flexible working conditions?

OP posts:
giantkatestacks · 27/01/2009 20:07

thanks squirrels - I thought that was likely to be the case.

OP posts:
ChasingSquirrels · 27/01/2009 20:01

you can reapply, but they only have to consider it, they don't HAVE to give it to you.
TBH current market is likely to be good economic reason not to give you more hours.

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