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working on extended maternity leave is it illegal?

4 replies

calcium · 24/03/2005 12:27

I am now on extended maternity leave and hoping to get a new job so I don't have to return to my old one as they have treated me very badly since I left to have my first child nearly 3 years ago. I have been offered a part time job locally, 2 days a week which will help until I find what I am looking for so I need to know whether I can take it because as far as I know being on extended maternity leave now gives me no benefits and I assume I am not on the payroll until I return. I can't seem to find any info on it can anyone help?

OP posts:
calcium · 25/03/2005 09:12

I was waiting for written confirmation of a new job however yesterday they finally got back to me and said they couldn't afford to employ me so it looks as if I will have to return to my old job anyway until I find some new work

OP posts:
JulieF · 24/03/2005 12:59

No, its not illegal, plenty of people have two jobs, however you will have to have a different tax code on your 2nd job.

The only way you may come up against problems is if there is a clause in your contract that forbids you from working for a competitor etc.

LIZS · 24/03/2005 12:45

If you haven't had a P45 (and you shouldn't have done for ML as long as you have a stated intention to return) then I think you might have problems working as you would still be on the company payroll. If you have no intention of going back could you do as Sponge suggests ?

Sponge · 24/03/2005 12:29

If they're not paying you any more why not just resign - or do you want them to keep your job open just in case?

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