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How do I find a job in a new area whilst still living miles away from where I am moving to?

10 replies

InTheMud · 10/12/2008 11:12

Basically I live up North and I am looking to buy a house with my boyfriend so we can start a family down South, however, I don't know what to do for the best as I still live at home and work full time up here. How do I go about applying for jobs down South?

Am I best applying now and going down if offered interviews or moving in with my boyfriends parents and hoping to find work fairly quickly?

OP posts:
veryhungrycaterpillar · 10/12/2008 16:01

best wishes with it, it will all work out in the end I'm sure x

InTheMud · 10/12/2008 15:12

Think I will try that VHC - thanks everyone x

OP posts:
veryhungrycaterpillar · 10/12/2008 15:03

I applied for jobs at one end of the country while living at the other, and was just open about why I was moving in a covering letter. Why not try applying while in your current job, and see how you get on? Employers will understand that you want to line up a job before you move. If you put an address from the south on your letter, it might be tricky explaining this in interview? Then if this isn't working, you could move down first and look. Best wishes with it, I managed but it is quite exhausting coordinating a new job and relocating, but worth it :-)

FiveGoMadInDorset · 10/12/2008 14:38

Recruitment offices are always a good bet, also find out what the local papers are that you are moving too as they usually put the jobs section on line aswell, or if you know anyone in the area get them to post job sections to you.

FiveGoMadInDorset · 10/12/2008 14:38

Recruitment offices are always a good bet, also find out what the local papers are that you are moving too as they usually put the jobs section on line aswell, or if you know anyone in the area get them to post job sections to you.

InTheMud · 10/12/2008 14:31

The very idea of leaving my job and moving down there scares the life out of me!!

Would you not recommend applying for jobs down there whilst living up here then?

OP posts:
CaptainKarvol · 10/12/2008 13:38

For secretarial and office I'd either wait till you get there, then apply, or use an accommodation address down there (bf's parents'?) and your mobile phone as a contact!

InTheMud · 10/12/2008 11:21

Just secretarial/office work really.

It's really stressful. I have found a few jobs in the area but I imagine I need to include in my covering letter that I am currently residing up North... which will make them think I'm too much hassle I bet!

OP posts:
InTheMud · 10/12/2008 11:21

Just secretarial/office work really.

It's really stressful. I have found a few jobs in the area but I imagine I need to include in my covering letter that I am currently residing up North... which will make them think I'm too much hassle I bet!

OP posts:
CaptainKarvol · 10/12/2008 11:17

Depends on the kind of job, I think. What sort of thing are you looking for?

Some jobs have a 'national market' and are happy to recruit from anywhere. Others are far more locally focused, and won't really entertain applications from outside the local area.

FWIW, I've done both - got a job down south while living up north by applying (found the job on line), and got a job up north while living down south by moving then making local contacts. And totally failed to get a temp job to be with my (then) boyfriend, as I was applying for shop work etc but from outside the area.

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