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Work Performance appraisal - begging for help

8 replies

asdnamechange · 28/04/2020 23:26

I’ve been asked to write a performance appraisal self-assessment, no format given - that’s already stressed me out as I’m scared I won’t do what’s expected. I’ve never been asked to write one in previous jobs

(Why can’t they have a clear format e.g., specific questions to answer or scoring myself 1-5 on things sigh)

I’ve just told been told via email to “make an overall comment on how you think you’ve performed against these goals”
The “goals” (roughly 20) are just bullet points you’d expect to see in my job advertisement.

Now some of these bullet pointed goals I think I meet, however a good 60% I don’t meet at all/ simply haven’t done. Blush

Hence, I’ve just written one paragraph touching on some of the things I’m confident in doing (naming those goals) and then said an area of improvement (naming things I didn’t do).
I genuinely feel very lost if this sounds like an appropriate way to answer, and I also have no idea how many words I should be writing. So far I’ve written 150 words, I don’t know if that would be considered too short/long?

Also, I don’t want to drip feed so possibly worth mentioning I’m in an entry level role and I have asd so often struggle with vague tasks

OP posts:
WeAllHaveWings · 30/04/2020 20:15

Your goals should have been SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

Doesn't sound like yours were which will make it difficult for both you or your manager to fairly assess.

I would put down positive comments for those you have achieved, highlighting anything at all where you can say you exceeded what was expected or added value.

For those you haven't completed? Think about the SMART as to why, were they not realistic or measurable. We're you not given the opportunity? If not ask for the opportunity for your next goals.

Make sure your next goals are SMART before agreeing to them.

daisychain01 · 30/04/2020 17:43

Does your employer know you have ASD?

It would be in your best interests to declare this to your manager. It puts an obligation on them to support you by not giving you vague tasks that give you stress and expect you to struggle on alone.

Your responsibility in thIs is to tell them what you can and cannot deal with eg

I find it difficult to .... execute a task if it's too vague and open ended.
I work best when..... I'm given clear tasking with a description of what's expected and a date by when to deliver it.

That sort of style puts the responsibility on them to support your request and not try and make you deliver impossible tasks that quite frankly a lot of people would struggle with even if they don't have asd!

ICouldHaveBeenAContender · 29/04/2020 21:09

If you have genuinely not had the opportunity to carry out some of the activities in your job description, I would expect you to state this.

We do interim appraisals for new staff after their first 3 months. Nobody has ever carried out the full range of activities at that point. It's not a failing by them, it's the nature of the job - some things only happen once a quarter / once a year and so on, or need experience of other activities before you can move on.

Focus on what you have done. Think about the activities you are working independently in; then the (more complex or less frequent) ones that you have completed under minimal supervision, then ones you have close supervision etc.

If you believe you require training or development support to achieve some of those you don't feel confident in, state that. It's a positive thing to recognise that you don't know everything and want to learn. It's also fine to state how you learn best: some people like to read a detailed manual and work it out for themselves, some like to follow a step-by-step instructions comprising words and pictures (eg screenshots or pictures of "good" and "bad" examples, some learn best from seeing someone do a task and following along - if you know what works for you, say so; don't expect your manager to guess (but don't moan either - be positive and constructuve).

Don't stress about it, just capture the facts as they stand at the time you complete it.

MT2017 · 29/04/2020 17:32

I would never say that you hadn't done x. Phrase it as strengths in the other areas, not weaknesses.

But you could always say that a future focus to do [something specific] would be x if you needed to mention it.

I think your asd might be making it harder as you should be trying to "sell" what you've done, rather than concentrate on the exact things. So not lying but presenting the best side of you, if that makes sense.

lightyearsahead · 29/04/2020 10:19

Use this opportunity to go over your achievements.
This is your chance to show what you have done over the last 12 months, it allows you to play for your strengths.
Keep it short & sharp one pager is good

LordEmsworth · 29/04/2020 10:14

Really? I am much happier writing my own self appraisal rather than filling in a form.

My self appraisals tend to focus on the things I am most proud of or where I have made the biggest impact, and focus on the impact.

E.g. I recognised this gap, and I wanted to address it; I found out who I needed to speak to and put forward my suggestion; we debated and came up with a plan; I worked with them to make it happen; the effect was that that gap is no longer there, meaning the risk has been mitigated (I work in a risk role!); I have had this feedback and/or this affects x number of customers/colleagues etc.

I also ask my team to write their own, but I will give them feedback on their first drafts (if they want it!) and I also tell them what's important to me (i.e. business impact). Areas of confidence & for improvement sounds like a good structure to me.

In terms of length, I keep mine to one page maximum. That means I have to be focussed on the key things, not rambling.

Dyrne · 28/04/2020 23:44

I meant to say, for the things you don’t feel you’ve touched on, could you phrase it more as “targets for development” rather than a need for “improvement”? What sort of thing is it? Could you ask for opportunities or training to allow you to develop these skills or meet your targets?

Dyrne · 28/04/2020 23:39

It’s not you OP, this sort of thing pisses me off. “Write your own appraisal/objectives” is lazy management. It’s always spin as allowing the employee to “take ownership” or some such bullshit but it boils down to an excuse for the manager not to actually have to put any effort into assessing their employees or aiding their development.

This sort of thing should always be done as a collaboration, with guidance and direction from your manager. To leave you floundering with no support is piss poor.

Do you feel able to approach your manager to ask for some guidance? Or is there someone else you work with that you could ask for advice?

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