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Advice please? Not worked in 8 years and keep getting passed over for jobs!

7 replies

user1493423934 · 23/09/2019 13:10

Hi, just need some advice - I last worked FT in 2011 when my youngest DD was born. Since then I did my Post Grad and I volunteer in a field relevant to my post grad and jobs I am applying for.
I really, really need a full time job (single parent) but get interviews - and passed over as 'not enough experience' or 'Another candidate had more recent experience.' SO frustrating! the feedback I get is that I interview well, (I always practice heaps, prepare etc) just lack of experience lets me down.
Any advice? have another interview on Weds for a job I really want (and need!)

OP posts:
Meron · 24/09/2019 09:01

Thank you for the advice. Sounds good to me! Smile

user1493423934 · 23/09/2019 23:03

Thanks for your replies.
Thanks for all your replies!
Lauren - I have looked around for care assistant/hospitality roles, unfortunately, around here their staff are expected to do one day in the weekend and flexi nights. Unfortunately, I have my kids every second weekend and most nights - and the pay is quite poor so wouldn't be worth my while money wise, esp with babysitting weekend rates around where i live (lots of families, major childminder shortage, hence childminders charge top rate!)
Meron Go for it! my kids were young, so I used to do study when they were in bed. My tip - do some study every day. Even if it is just reading 2 pages of readings. Don't wait and do it all in one go.
Octonauts Exactly! I get the impression I'm there to make up the numbers Hmm

OP posts:
RolyWatts · 23/09/2019 17:26

How are you selling your voluntary work experience? You need to really emphasise all of the skills or competencies that this recent work has given you. It's hard to give advice without knowing your field.

OctonautsHoliday · 23/09/2019 17:24

No advice I'm afraid but that seems lile a bullshit reason - if recent experience is what they're after then why even interview you?

Dyrne · 23/09/2019 17:19

What types of jobs are you applying for? Which field are you in? Could you apply for lower-level lab tech type (or equivalent to your field) jobs to get some ‘recent relevant experience’ while you keep searching for the better paid more relevant/interesting stuff?

Meron · 23/09/2019 17:12

That’s amazing you did your post grad. I’m planning to do the same as a single mum as well! How did it go for you? Managing childcare, study and finances? How did you manage to get all the money for tuition fee etc? Sorry I haven’t got any answer for you!

LaurenSarah22 · 23/09/2019 13:21

Can you apply for a job where you dont need experience for now e.g. care assistant ?? And then you can earn money while you still look for a job you prefer

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