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Interview with work coach.

4 replies

SheIsALiamGallagherKindaGal86 · 11/10/2018 21:07

I have received a letter from the Job Centre today inviting me for an interview with a work coach because i am single parent to a 14th month old receiving income support. I was just wondering if anyone else had also attended one of these interviews and could just give me some insight on what to expect.

OP posts:
SheIsALiamGallagherKindaGal86 · 11/10/2018 21:58

Thank you so much! You have probably saved me from a few sleepless nights. X

OP posts:
Herja · 11/10/2018 21:49

I was the same... No, they did suggest I could go to work now and I explained that I didn't feel it was currently feasible and that a long term plan with further education would work better for my family. They really weren't pushy. I hope it goes as well for you too Flowers.

SheIsALiamGallagherKindaGal86 · 11/10/2018 21:45

Oh bless you. This is why i posted because my anxiety has rocketed and my interview isn't until Wednesday! Obviously i have every intention to return to work but i thought this interview was basically to tell i must go back now if you know what i mean. I am the sole carer to my son after my relationship breakdown and because i moved here for my partner all family and friends are a 3 hour drive away so it's literally me and my boy. Thanks so much for putting my mind at rest, i appreciate it.

OP posts:
Herja · 11/10/2018 21:39

Yep! They were very nice, it just involved a 20 minute chat about what my eventual plans were to return to work (I said I wanted to do an access course and then degree when DD started school). They asked why I wasn't working now, I said because I was the sole carer for my children and they were fine with this. He was a bit short rude to begin with, but as soon as he gathered I had a plan of sorts, they were pretty easy going.

It was fairly short and pain free. Which I wish I'd known in advance, because I was so anxious about it I was puking on the walk to the job centre.

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