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What are you doing about a pension?

2 replies

Squirrelfruitandnutkin · 23/03/2017 14:08

I'm self employed and have a reasonably predictable income at present.
I need to do something about a pension again

Where do I start?

OP posts:
delilahbucket · 23/03/2017 20:52

I have a virgin money private pension that I pay into every month. Very easy to set up. You can stop and start payments and pay in lump sums. I only went with it as I don't have time to see a financial adviser. It may not be the best option for me but at the moment it's all I've got.

smashedinductionhob · 23/03/2017 15:05


jush shoved £5k into standard life as the year end approaches....

god knows if I'll ever see it again....

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