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Anyone turned down a job offer?

16 replies

alazuli · 17/01/2017 21:13

Have you gone on to find something better? Or did you regret it??

OP posts:
HotChoc10 · 26/01/2017 18:01

I have - I interviewed for a couple all at once, and chose the one that had a lower salary but sounded more interesting :)

MrAliBongo · 21/01/2017 16:12

No, but I did once withdraw from a teaching job application during the interview! It was very clearly a mismatch of my personality with the school's ethos - I said so, they agreed, and we parted on civil terms (though presumably each thinking the other was the weirdest entity we'd ever encountered). Come to think of it, that school closed within six months.

languagelearner · 21/01/2017 03:33

From what you write ("terrible hours", "closer to home", "regular hours") it seems it might be worth a chance. Working unsociable hours for years will take its toll later.

EBearhug · 21/01/2017 03:12

What stage are you at. Apply for it, and if you get an interview, be sure to remember they're two-way - you're interviewing them to find out if they'don't suit you.

If you've already had an offer, look at what is making you hesitate. How far from the area you love is the new job? Would there be any possibility of moving to the area you love at a later stage in the new company? Or would it be worth doing the new job for a year while preparing yourself for a position which really suits you?

alazuli · 20/01/2017 15:19

EBearhug - I'm probably at the same stage. The hours at my job now are so rubbish and unsociable that the main appeal of the new job is the regular hours and close commute rather than the work itself. Not sure if that's a good enough reason to go for it.

OP posts:
EBearhug · 20/01/2017 14:35

EBearhug what made you change your mind and accept the job?

Initially I was put off by a culture of presenteeism from what I could see. They invited me back in to have another chat and also upped the offer a bit. But what really made the difference was the job I was in then was getting more depressing, and the money was so low, I just got to the point where alost anything was looking better.

After I'd started, another colleague later said it was really good, because he no longer felt the same obligations to stay in the office as long, because I wouldn't stay around unless there was an urgent problem to fix. There are quite a few things about this job which does suit me, but it hasn't all been plain sailing.

BobbinThreadbare123 · 19/01/2017 18:30

Yes. I'd been offered two, and decided to stick with the better one, despite a significant salary difference in favour of the other one. I decided to trust my gut about progression/boredom/people/sedentary aspect would affect me.

I have taken a job I kind of knew I didn't want at interview; I should have gone with my misgivings then because it was shockingly crap.

alazuli · 19/01/2017 13:31

EBearhug what made you change your mind and accept the job?

So torn. New job is not quite right but job now has terrible hours but is in the field I love.

OP posts:
GlitterGlue · 18/01/2017 20:56

Yes, I've turned down several for various reasons. One I do slightly regret as I would have definitely enjoyed it (temped and they offered me a contract), but the money was far less than I could afford to accept.

The others I don't regret at all. Sometimes you genuinely don't know if it's for you until interview and offer stage.

PippaFawcett · 18/01/2017 16:06

I have turned down jobs mostly based on salaries that weren't advertised that transpired to be less than what I was on. I'm not going down financially so that was a waste of everyone's time.

EBearhug · 18/01/2017 16:03

Yes. Once because I had another, better offer. One because it was UK only (prefer a more international outlook), because there was no natural light in the office, because although it was more money, that would all have been eaten up in a the extra costs of a hideous commute.

There have been a couple of others I would have turned down if offered, but I wasn't offered them. I assume they picked up on the "you must be joking!" vibes that I would have been giving off by the end of the interviews.

I also turned down this job initially - it'll be 13 years next month...

mirokarikovo · 18/01/2017 05:05

I did. I applied for a job with a national charity where the advert had just said "Salary £competitive" and they had refused to elaborate on that until they were ready to offer me the job. Then the salary was less than what I was currently on (also with a charity) plus no contribution to relocation expenses for the 200 mile move. I had a personal phonecall from the Chief Executive to ask me to change my mind when I turned it down, which was flattering, but she painted a very enticing picture of what my future career trajectory might be if I could just see my way to accepting a pay cut for it.

It did take me another 4 years before I got another job offer and I spent those years trapped in a job I hated so I did feel a little wistful occasionally but I am sure it wouldn't have been the right move for me.

Rulerruler · 18/01/2017 05:01

Once I had a gut feeling I should have turned down a job offer but didn't. It was the worst job ever and took me 6 months to get out of it. Next time if I have doubts I'll turn down an offer.

Firefries · 18/01/2017 04:52

Yes I have done this and although it would've been a great role, I knew the hours weren't ideal. So I turned it down and I have never regretted it. It was stress that I didn't need. I then I got a role that was way more suitable, great hours and next to no stress.Smile

daisychain01 · 18/01/2017 04:44

If the job offer does not meet your expectations, and/or you feel you aren't happy with aspects of the role, then it is good enough reason to decline the offer. I have declined 2 offers at different stages in my career. On each occasions, I remember the reasons why and In hindsight, I don't regret the decisions for a moment.

If you have second thoughts, remember it's for a reason. When you are delighted with a job offer, and can't wait to start, that's because it's the right job for you!

IveBecomeSoNumb · 17/01/2017 21:20

I did - they offered me a pay grade below what was advertised as I am unqualified. Even though you can pay that grade for unqualified. Also I am working towards that qualification now. I don't regret it at all in the grand scheme of things. Hth Smile

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