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24 replies

Skribble · 21/01/2007 21:12

Had a look at the info from them, so who already does this? Whats it like then?

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daisydog · 29/01/2007 10:20

OOOO I didn't mean to be sneaky...I just really wanted to reply and thought the MN police wouldn't let me if I said I set the company up.

Huge grovelly apologies - I was really trying very hard not to "promote"!!! (It's really difficult - Mamatoto is like my 3rd baby, and it's hard to keep quiet...we haven't got huge advertising budgets like the big boys, so we have to try and respond to every opportunity we can) Sorry

And I DO love the tea room idea very very fact if you're still talking to me skribble I found the best chocolate cake recipe in the world this weekend...

amidaiwish · 26/01/2007 19:10

oh and she does genuinely really love tearooms and cakes !!

amidaiwish · 26/01/2007 19:09

a-ha, 'tis her!

but to be fair she hasn't said anything on here that me with experience of doing mamatoto wouldn't say. It's not like she's given you the hardsell or try to persuaded you or anything.

Skribble · 26/01/2007 13:29

Aw come on she was being subtle and not overselling it, I did ask the question first. Plus she likes my tearoom idea . Bit sneaky though.

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HandyMandy · 26/01/2007 10:46

Errr.... Daisydog, how come you say you've 'just joined' when you said last year on a thread here that in fact you set up the company?

You wouldn't, by any chance, be promoting your own company under the guise of 'chat' would you??

(MN-ers have long and accurate memories - beware!)

daisydog · 26/01/2007 10:26

And proper slabs of butter -not those irritating little foil wrapped things. And proper napkins - red checks - or duck egg blue gingham would be pretty with the red/white Skandi look.

And your daughter will dance...

And lots of pregnant women will come and buy beautiful things from my Mamatoto catalogue whilst sipping tea and eating big fat pieces of chocolate cake.

Skribble · 25/01/2007 13:54

Yes of course you can, we will be going for a rustic scandinavian look, yes mismatched granny china is a possibility (ala charity shop). Crumpets and toasted tea cakes and big pots of tea and real milk in little cute jugs and a selection of mini jam pots for scones in little metal pails and Red and white decor......

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daisydog · 25/01/2007 10:33

You do need to buy the new brochures but apparently they do a really cheap price on the new ones (and they only do one per year so that makes it easier)

And in another life...

Please can I come and bake your cakes when you get your tearoom!? Can we do crumpets too? And pretty mis-matched china?

Skribble · 24/01/2007 22:23

Another question... well you know how you get an initial supply of brochures, do you have to buy more everytime they bring out the new season or christmas special ones or do they send you a supply of each new issue?

My kids are older now and would love to be in my tearoom everyday after school, DS is 10 and would want to work there, he wants to be the barista, DD would is 7 and would sit and draw lovely pictures all day or practice her dancing in the back room .

So can I have a small complex of holiday cabins to rent out, set in woodland, with a tearoom/ giftshop/ visitor centre, thankyou .

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daisydog · 24/01/2007 10:28

...and relax, Skribble!

One really good thing about Mamatoto is that they don't hassle you if you're not out selling all the time, so if you do decide to do something else they're not pestering you into working all the time. It;s worth joining even if you don't do it as a business - you get 20% off everything too!

I'd really love to have a tea room - lots of nice homemade cakes mmm, but v hard work with little ones...can't imagine it's the sort of place where you could take your children even in an emergency- china tea cups, boiling water - urgh - I'm gettign stressed just thinking about it!

Skribble · 23/01/2007 23:29

I have requested a catalogue from the website so I will have a look, the products do look like a good selection of whats out there minus all the tat and stuff.

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Skribble · 23/01/2007 23:07

Sounds tempting, I am going round in circles ATM, considering everything from tearooms, buying a static at haven to rent out to working full time as a support worker, or administrator or with tourist informatio etc etc etc.

can I just have a big ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Thankyou .

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daisydog · 23/01/2007 10:16

I know - one of my customers is definitely going to join, and she knows loads of people so I think that'll be good.

Skribble- playgroups and nurseries/pre-schools have been good for me! The first one that I dropped my catalogue in, the Nursery Manager spent £100 on books (I gave them a 10% discount, but you earn loads on books so it didn't matter.)

twickersmum · 23/01/2007 09:35

hi Daisy - love it when you get P&T sales!
the easiest way to build a team is to approach customers who have come back and love the products - that way they already love Mamatoto and can see the potential for themselves.

daisydog · 23/01/2007 09:28

I've just joined and I think it's great - it's nice to sell things that you believe in rather than pushing tat on people that you know they don't really want! All the stuff they sell is stuff you need to buy anyway and it's at the same price as you'd buy at Mothercare.
I've also gone for the TENS hire option and I think I'm going to need to get another one already as a whole NCT class want to hire it!!! Think 2 of them want Phil and Teds pushchairs too !
I really want to build up a team of people - any ideas gratefully recieved Twickers!?

twickersmum · 22/01/2007 21:04

mustrunmore - can't remember! They are usually very good with e-mail so i would send another.

skribble - yes i have a TENS i hire out.

Skribble · 22/01/2007 21:00

I got an e'mail back fine with links on it showing the details and costs.

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mustrunmore · 22/01/2007 20:59

Twickersmum, wasnt it you I asked about this on another thread? i emailed them, but they didnt reply yet

Skribble · 22/01/2007 20:54

LOL, I wondered about the tens hire being a hook to get contact. Do you have your own one that you hire out?

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twickersmum · 22/01/2007 14:50

NCT/antenatal classes are your best bet
get midwife/HV to give out catalogues
the TENS hire is a great way to get pg women

did you see the thread on baby planners? Mamatoto philosophy is that - they do all the research, only stock the one they consider to be the best in each category to cut through the confusion and stress when you're pg. no baby bath, wipes warmers or any of that cr@p. only one car seat etc..

Skribble · 21/01/2007 23:29

Thanks, I wondered bout doing this and just leaving catalogues so I don't have to buy stock.

Wher do you get the best results for just leaving a catalouge, I have been doing dropping off book sets (similar to book people) for a freind but most of these are in workplace staff rooms so not so many parents of the under 4's or pregnant mums.

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twickersmum · 21/01/2007 22:23

i do some parties - antenatal ones, then toy ones up to christmas, plus catalogues everywhere!
take payment up front
order size really depends - antenatal ones can be hundreds, if someone buys a buggy then but catalogues i leave at swim club etc can just be a few things. If someone just wants a couple of things then best for them to order it direct on the website using your code.


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Skribble · 21/01/2007 21:55

How do you sell? Did you buy the samples or just sell from the catalogues? Do you collect the cash first or take it when you hand over the items? How much to you take in orders, ie if I left a catalogue at a toddler group, what amount of orers can I expect. Or do I really have to do parties and promote it more.

OP posts:
twickersmum · 21/01/2007 21:45

i do, works really well for me. superb range, very helpful in the office, quick delivery. what do you want to know?

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