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Places you've worked where there's been at least one person not working

32 replies

LaurieFairyCake · 20/01/2016 21:47

After seeing this mentioned on another thread I thought it deserved its own - as it will be funny

I've worked lots of places:

  1. A bloke in the office next to me napped every day between 11 and 1. Then he went out to his car for 'lunch' and slept from 1 til 3.

  1. Another job where people got paid to visit clients. Worker didn't do this, instead went home every day after clocking in. Did this for 8 years with no one noticing. This only changed when the office shut down. And they got their pension made up for an extra ten years so they could retire.

  1. Someone completely underemployed in an office. Literally had 3 phone calls come in a day. Was being paid £45k for this admin job as they 'represented the face of the company'

  1. Boss at a company I worked for where head office was in another country. Worked 'from home' for about six months. Did absolutely nothing. Did not log on to the network for 6 months. Actually went on a 3 week cruise with no one noticing. They never noticed and he went off to head office with a 100k salary hike, where I assume he rested on his laurels of his department doing so well.
OP posts:
MagicalHamSandwich · 25/01/2016 13:29

Pretty much 80% of my client base on the operational (not management) level. There is a reason why they bring a bunch of extremely expensive consultants in - those would be the people doing the work of the slackers in addition to some mostly nominal role.

My favourite current client's schedule looks as follows:

8:30am - arrive at office
8:31am - go for coffee
9:15am - back from coffee, walk around office and chat to people who are trying to actually work
10:45am - write angry e-mail about everything not completed yet thereby showing himself to be an attentive and effective team lead
10:46am - more coffee
11:30am - lunch
12:30pm - after lunch coffee
1:15pm - second chat tour de bureau
1:50pm - short meeting over coffee
2pm - 'leaving early for some urgent errands - will be online later' - never signs back on

He does this every day. His work load is minimal, I would know because it takes me 30 minutes to deal with the stuff he doesn't do every morning (before I am included in his coffee circle).

OTOH I get a very decent salary out of doing the job of about ten of these slackers, so no complaints from me ...

Shakey15000 · 25/01/2016 16:48

Glad you started this thread, I think I saw the other one. Was it mostly folk saying "Who cares? It's none of your business" etc?

Agog at the 100k bloke Shock

I worked with a right couple of lazy arses who were permanent whilst I was agency. I did the lions share of the work while one spent most of the day pissing about on the internet and the other spent most of her time up the other ones arse.

Sleepingtom · 28/01/2016 13:36

I have done roles where I have been painfully underutilised, including my current one. I offer to help other teams but my manager doesn't want to give the impression that we have time to spare in case she loses a position! It is a bit ridiculous, especially given we are public sector.

chrome100 · 28/01/2016 14:13

I think that person must be me. I am 35 so have been working for around 12 years since graduating. I have had about 5 different jobs in that time. In every one (including the current one) I feel I have nothing do . I complete what I'm given in around 15 mins and then just sit there bored out of my skull.

I do not get it. Everyone else complains how stressed they are. I wonder why I bother turning up.

BobandKate0 · 28/01/2016 14:40

When i was working in a restaurant,there was one member of staff who was hated by everyone - every time the kitchen was ready to plate up the chap would disappear for a fag,ask him to do the starters and he would be chatting to someone at the bar,i don't know why the management kept employing him and at end of shift he would want the lions share of any tips.
Lucky for us he was only booked for special occasions / parties.

Heatherbell1978 · 11/02/2016 07:47

I work in a big bank and had to leave a job after a year as I couldn't bear working for my boss who blatantly was clueless but took home a cool £150k a year. Shit at managing people, projects and anything. Would switch his phone off and not answer emails. He went on holiday for a fortnight once and put me on his ooo and I swear I had 3 emails. I figured he would go after last round of redundancies but no, still there. Envy

rookiemere · 12/02/2016 09:14

Thankfully ours has now gone back to his own area.

Meant to be managing the project I was on, continually off sick but not letting people know, then took loads of time off for family sickness of grown son, didn't turn up to meetings at the last minute but didn't decline them, seemed to suffer an inordinate amount of technical issues such as computer breaking down or stuck in traffic.

Then apparently it was my fault that I wasn't making my expectations clear to him, because that was clearly my role as two grades his junior. I said I'd be happy to do that if and when he turned up but it wasn't my role to monitor his attendance.

Glad he's gone - stopped me getting a good performance rating last year as my line manager was unable to get any feedback from him .

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