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Interview Questions - Small Business

5 replies

violetcloud123 · 24/11/2015 15:25

I have been for quite a few interviews recently for part-time roles usually public sector or charity roles where the interviews are quite formal and competency based which often leave me wondering if they even knew my name. However I have just decided to go full time and went for my first interview in a commercial business. I was pretty thrown by the questions as I thought they were pretty personal. I just wondered what others thought and if you would usually expect these types of questions. I understand they need someone to fit in if it's a small company but afterwards I was thinking of feeding back that I didn't think the questionning was appropriate. I was a bit flustered in the interview.

Questions - Do you have children, how old is your son, who will look after him in the school holidays , how will he get to and from school, what is he good at, what sport does he play. Are you married, what does your partner do. How old are you. What do you do at weekends, do you exercise, what gym do you go to, how healthy are you. Do you and your partner do things together at weekends!!

OP posts:
OllyBJolly · 24/11/2015 22:54

What daisy said!

Some of the questions I hear would make your teeth curl. Many people harbour the misapprehension that an interview is a cosy chat to find out if you like someone. No thoughts of job predictability at all. Smaller businesses are less likely to have had anyone trained in interviewing techniques.

You could write to complain but they'll probably think you're the weird one. (You're not!)

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 24/11/2015 22:53

Run. If they're this inept in the interview where there's plenty of time to prepare and take advice they will be a nightmare to work for.

Awful questions demonstrating they have very little understanding of employment law.

howtorebuild · 24/11/2015 22:51

How much do you want the job?

daisychain01 · 24/11/2015 22:49


The smaller not mallet!

daisychain01 · 24/11/2015 22:48

The mallet the company the more they can be a law unto themselves.

Those questions are like something from the 1950s.

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