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"Like family photography, but in video."

2 replies

myexcitinglife · 01/06/2015 09:33

Does that mean anything to you? Would you understand what the service is?

Is the grammar too wonky?

The business will offer "family films" - I go and film a family for a couple of hours, children playing, newborns being cute, this sort of thing and deliver a short edited professionally looking film. Right now I'm struggling to communicate that. People usually like the idea after I explain it to them, but I don't know how to write a leaflet and an ad...

Comments and suggestions are very welcome! Thanks!

OP posts:
FernGullysWoollyPully · 04/06/2015 12:16

Family Lifestyle Videographer?

MamaVikki · 04/06/2015 12:13

I really like the idea but in my opinion, I think this wording is way too clumsy and doesn’t explain the business concept. I think that to get the idea across you will need sample videos on your website and images of these cleverly captured on your flyers. Personally I would probably use this service for an actual family event like a birthday / holiday / first day at school etc, and not just every day life - but there again when you watch a show like ‘Blinging up Baby’ you can see that there would be people interested in some kind of cute film of their family just for the sake of it. I’m afraid I can’t quite think how best to describe your business in words. I would have a business name plus a strap line under it with more of an explanation. Something like ‘Capturing memories’ ‘Professional family filming service’…. that isn’t quite right but do you see what I mean?!
Anyway, good luck!

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