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boobs and offices - am I disgrace to the sisterhood by thinking that perhaps they don't mix?

31 replies

hatwoman · 07/11/2006 22:02

got a new colleague. in her 40s. boobs jiggling around in ludicrously low cut tops. clothes generally that involve too much effort and scream LOOK AT ME. bright red dyed hair. am i hideous for finding it difficult to take her seriously? am I sexist for thinking about (and quite possibly looking at...) her boobs when she's talking to me about work?

OP posts:
hatwoman · 09/11/2006 11:41

caligula - you remind me of the time I conducted a whole phone conversation with my boss whilst sitting potty-training dd on the potty in the middle of the sitting room, wiping her bum (it was a POO, how was I menat to know) and generally dealing with it. he never suspected a thing.

OP posts:
chipmonkey · 08/11/2006 22:57

Just in case there's any confusion, I was talking about expressing breast milk in work, (which I've had to do many times!) not expressing personality or style or those things
I agree with custardo. You have to look past the outward appearance and see the person. Not everyone is blessed with an impeccable sense of style and it's all a matter of opinion anyway.

VeniVidiVickiQV · 08/11/2006 22:54

Cali - did you get my mail? am at home now...different email addy - the CAT one...

motherinferior · 08/11/2006 22:16

Hatwoman, is she me ?

WhizzBangCaligula · 08/11/2006 22:13

No I work at home. Sometimes if the phone has rung and I've been in the shower, I'll race up the stairs to answer it and I'll be having a chat with a client or someone in the nuddy. Hatwoman's colleague is a model of appropriateness compared to me.

BorisesBurningBush · 08/11/2006 20:35

You dont work with hatwoman, do you Caligula?

WhizzBangCaligula · 08/11/2006 20:34

If someone has really bad BO, it is truly awful to sit in the same office as them. Really, it's intolerable.

Also, sometimes you wear something that looks just about OK at 9AM but has er.. slipped a bit by lunchtime.

VeniVidiVickiQV · 08/11/2006 19:43

But its not about an error of judgement though, not really. This women feels she is dressing just fine. In all honesty - who's to say she is 'wrong'? If she is sat at her desk, working away or whatever and you are getting on with your work - whats the big deal?

However, BO and Halitosis - not about judgement as such, but it has an effect on colleagues around the person. You can't just not smell it. It can permeate a whole office if it is really bad. Having to talk to someone with really bad breath truly is an ordeal. If that person happens to be your boss or somebody senior to you - how can you NOT talk to them??? You cant avoid it, can you?

Pushkin · 08/11/2006 15:38

VenividivickiQV: agree that theres an interesting comparison to be made between BO/halitosis versus tits hanging out. Which is worse? Hm, let's see. The BO is really difficult to live with, as it's unavoidable unlike the sight of the tits. BUT, with the BO the person might either not be able to do anything about it, or not be aware, or both, so there's more of a presumption of innocence. Whereas with the tits, they have to have made a conscious decision in the morning when dressing that 'yes, today I WANT to show off the top part of my tits to within 1 cm of the nipple'. which is why, in mt opinion at least (all respect and credit to those who say its self expression and should be respected as such) it shows even more of an error of judgement (given office work context) than with people who suffer BO/halitosis.

WhizzBangCaligula · 08/11/2006 10:19

Breaking in a bra sounds really painful!

Tortington · 08/11/2006 00:21

yes must agree tit tops only work with good quality bra.

am breaking new one in at the mo - jeeez its killing me

VeniVidiVickiQV · 07/11/2006 23:54

i mean smelled, not heating metal to a liquid form......

VeniVidiVickiQV · 07/11/2006 23:52

My ex-boss sneakily sprayed Neutradol over an office divider at a colleague once because he was too cowardly to tell her she smelt of 'wet dog'.

WhizzBangCaligula · 07/11/2006 23:45

I had a colleague with BO once.

Twice our MD had to speak to him.

And on the second occasion, he argued with him. "No I don't smell".

"Yes you do"

"No I don't"


Ah the joys of senior management.

sallystrawberry · 07/11/2006 23:43

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

JoolsToo · 07/11/2006 23:42

watch out for hotpants next summer

VeniVidiVickiQV · 07/11/2006 23:41

Well, if you are there to work, you'll just get your head down and not look, wont you?

I'd be more upset if a colleague had severe halitosis or B.O. - now THAT is truly offensive.

WhizzBangCaligula · 07/11/2006 23:41

Does she have a good quality bra?

I bet Trinny and Susannah would just love to get hold of her and her norks

WhizzBangCaligula · 07/11/2006 23:40

LOL at bustiness. If you've got great big norks, it doesn't matter what you wear, you'll exude a busty aura wherever you go.

You can't be sacked for it you know...

WhizzBangCaligula · 07/11/2006 23:38
jennifersofia · 07/11/2006 23:33

Yes, agree. It is distracting to have lots of bustiness everywhere. We are all there for work, not to be sexy. Looking nice is one thing, being dressed to attract is another.

VeniVidiVickiQV · 07/11/2006 23:29

Calig, what do you mean by "tit tops should be worn sparingly"?

Am a little worried


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WhizzBangCaligula · 07/11/2006 23:27

LOL at this thread.
Overkill is a bad thing. Tit tops should only be worn sparingly, as an occasional thing...

VeniVidiVickiQV · 07/11/2006 23:25

Me too crypt

BTW, you arent allowed to use the word "old" in an office environment any more. Its discriminatory.......

She thinks she looks good. Thats all that matters really. IMO.

Pushkin · 07/11/2006 23:21

totally agree with hatwoman. It's an issue of judgement. I'd love to have the nerve to have tits on display more often, but NOT in the office. Waht is the office for? to show off your tits, or do some work and be respected for what you do? It's a similar judgement call to the issue of whether to look clean or dirty, be smelly or fragrant, and whether to be dresse dwith appropriate levels of smartness depending on the kind of job you do. Nothing wrong with expressing yoursself by looking a little sexy, but not tumblingly distractingly so. And I say this however beautiful or wrinkly the tits in question.

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