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Advice on preparing for a competency based interview using scenarios?

3 replies

Liveinthepresent · 15/04/2015 09:50

DH has an interview for a very 'big' job which he would be very excited about if successful- he is definitely capable of doing it but isn't currently working at quite the same level (MD)
this is just the first round and is a technical interview by the recruiters.
He is one of ten we think at this stage.

He has never done this type of interview before and am wondering if anyone can help based on their own experiences as to how he can prepare and make sure he focuses on the right things to showcase his experience ?


OP posts:
Liveinthepresent · 15/04/2015 14:50

Thanks for your replies - they are both helpful!
We don't know which of your two options it is but I think your reply makes sense that he can prepare option one and if it's option two he can used those examples to draw on anyway.
Thank you

OP posts:
juniorcakeoff · 15/04/2015 10:03

The competencies for his job should be in the job description or sometimes they are seperately listed in the person specification.
Don't just say ' I would work as part of a team' remember the STAR acronym - remember a Situation, Time, Action and Result for each competency. So I had a last minute problem when I was working as a whatever, to solve the problem I developed a new program to do X Y and Z , sought management opinion on ABC, and we won the contract.

Make the examples positive, fairly recent and a little bit interesting, but not too dramatic depending on the role. So you might choose a big contract that needed something extra, or a time you stepped up and showed responsibility.

juniorcakeoff · 15/04/2015 09:54

When you say scenarios do you mean 'tell us about a time when you solved a problem as part of a team' or do you mean 'imagine your team has X problem. How do you go about solving it'

I have done both types of interview, the first style is really easy you just have to think of two really good examples for each competency and learn them. Then for the second type I also use examples from my own work experience.

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