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Think I may get sacked! 11 weeks pregnant!

2 replies

lj123 · 04/02/2014 20:07

I'm currently 11weeks and 4 days pregnant, I informed my employer from 6 weeks 6days roughly due to the fact I was being asked to work extra long shifts and heavy lifting etc.
I work with children so luckily I thought it would work out in my favour.
I have so far been demoted due to little issues that all have reasonable answers, I appear to have been ignored a lot since, every minor issue is being picked up, I never completed my induction and probation is 6months, I'm still in probation!
If I have a question I ask and get contradicting advice from people.
No child has ever been hurt or come to any harm in my care they are always very well looked after and no parent has complained ever.
If I get sacked where the heck do I stand????

OP posts:
lj123 · 04/02/2014 20:22

Well since being demoted I have not received my current contract so they have screwed that up already.
If anything further happens I will ask for all information I need to be emailed but I'm hoping the less they actually give me the less they have to stand on!
They know my past as well (4MC and 1 ectopic) so they have tried to put it down to easing the work load but I've not signed anything to say about pay etc or change of hours, change of job role etc. x

OP posts:
ChaffinchOfDoom · 04/02/2014 20:11

sounds like you are being treated unfairly; read your employer's contract so you know what could happen, bumping for a more legal mind

congratulations by the way! I hope things work out for you

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