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No references

6 replies

louisea · 17/12/2012 00:06

When I resigned from my last job after the birth of my first children I forgot to ask my manager for a reference. I asked a couple of times during the next couple or years but he never sent it. I resigned 12 1/2 years ago when my boys were 6 months old.

Now, I am about to start applying for work but have no reference. Even if I did have one it would be over 12 years old and not relevant to who I am today.

What do I write on applications under these circumstances? Who could I suggest to prospective employees that I use as a referee?

OP posts:
louisea · 20/12/2012 00:06

I'm volunteering in the same school as the one where I applied for the job do they know me. I've been trying to contact my previous boss but only get through to an answer phone. Will keep on trying.

OP posts:
flowerytaleofNewYork · 18/12/2012 11:52

You should use a referee from where you are volunteering and put your last employer. Do they have HR there? Just put that. After 12 years all they might be able to do is confirm dates, and it would be unusual to get more than that anyway from a job that long ago.

PoisonMountain · 18/12/2012 11:47

Can you not get someone where you volunteer to write you a reference?

louisea · 17/12/2012 23:47

I've just put in an application for a job at DD's primary school and am currently in my second year of volunteering there so hopefully that will suffice even though I don't have a written reference. I've also volunteered in the past as well. I'll have to get in touch with my last manager to ask if I can put his name down as a referee.

OP posts:
Svrider · 17/12/2012 20:56

Yes I have to say when looking to take on staff I would much rather a professional type of reference, rather then "my mate from the pub!"
Have you helped out at school at all?

Nigglenaggle · 17/12/2012 20:51

If he will allow you to list him as a referee it shouldn't matter as much if you don't have the actual written reference. Some employers will prefer to speak to him anyway. You should always have your last employer down even if it was a long time ago. In a similar situation I got someone else to be a character reference for the second one. It was a neighbour for me but anyone professional who knows your recent character is acceptable. You can explain your reasons for your choice of referees in your covering letter if you feel its appropriate.

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