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to go part time or full time to work ion school?

8 replies

musicmusic · 28/10/2012 20:46

I have responsibilities within the school and if I go part time - I feel a lot of it I will have to do at home or after school - shall I just go full time? but I have 2 DC under 5 and feel stressed...

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tattychicken · 24/11/2012 05:46
rachael121 · 24/11/2012 04:28

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rachael121 · 24/11/2012 04:28

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BlackholesAndRevelations · 09/11/2012 21:35

I'm full time and love my job, but have decided that I need to make a sacrifice, and obviously it's not my children and family life that us being sacrificed. I have to go back part time, and if I can't have that in my current school (which love and seriously don't want to leave) then I'll have to go elsewhere. It's too hard to manage and it's at the detriment of my children. The house is upside down, and they're exhausted all the time from being in full time childcare (I have two under threes)

AyeOopMoose · 08/11/2012 17:27

I too have 2 DC under 5 (under 2 in fact!).

When I return to work I will be doing so pt. It has been a hard fought battle to get this, I have had to give up my TLR in a role that I adored and had worked hard for and it will be v tight financially.

But do you know what? I couldn't leave them ft. I briefly returned ft after DC1 and found it horrible being away 5 days a week.

I am willing to make the career/financial sacrifice because sadly, you can't really have it all.

tethersend · 28/10/2012 21:37

I was HoD when I had DD1 and went back pt- it was just about possible to be a HoD on 3 days a week (small dept) but I got another job after a year which suited me much better (advisory teacher).

What is your role? Some responsibilities can be managed pt, others are more difficult and require a ft presence.

madeindevon2 · 28/10/2012 21:37

if you can then I say go for it! I would if I could.
I have 2 under 5 and I miss them :-( (work silly full time hours not in education either )

lorisparkle · 28/10/2012 21:27

I decided that because I wanted to spend as much time with my DC whilst they are little and financially we could just about manage I would go part time and cut back on all my responsibilities. I love being at home and know that when my DC are older I can increase my hours and again look for more responsibilty.

However you have to do what is right for your family - financially and emotionally.

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