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Interview tomorrow - childcare disaster

6 replies

Mazzystar · 16/02/2006 15:23

I'm due to have a job interview tomorrow. It would be a very nice job, in a field where work is hard to come by, but full time and as DS is only 16 mo I'm not at all sure I want to do that. I do bits and peices of freelance work usually, which is great but not very reliable.

The problem is, DH, who was meant to be looking after DS has completely ballsed up his diary and is meant to be in a high-level client meeting that no-one else can attend. My mum lives 100 miles away, all my mummy mates are busy, the nursery can't take him.

Should I ditch the interview? Or will I regret it?

OP posts:
Mazzystar · 16/02/2006 15:48

I am not finding DH's rules-of-physics bending optimism quite so charming any more. I've told him he needs to sort it out, but the only thing he has come up with is a creche run by a local childminder, but DS has never been there before and I think he'd be pretty upset to be left.

The truth is, I think he would ring in sick or something, but I don't want to encourage that kind of crappy unprofessionalism.

And a bit of me is thinking, oh brilliant that means I don't have to go to the interview and put myself under all that pressure for a job I'm uncertain that I want. And because we have no local family, if I did work less flexibly, what would happen if DS was unwell - we'd just be in this position all the time.

Aargh. On top of chronic indecision, this is not going to make me appear like the ideal candidate.

OP posts:
motherinferior · 16/02/2006 15:37

And seriously, I do think Boundaries need to be Set in all too many cases of blokes with high-level meetings [grrrr]

beansprout · 16/02/2006 15:36

Agree with MI (hi!). Seems harsh that you have be penalised for his mistake.

motherinferior · 16/02/2006 15:34

I think you have to put pressure on your DH, seriously. He has KNOWN you have this interview. I do sympathise - my partner has been known to behave in similar manner and I've taken the decision to Get Tough...

beansprout · 16/02/2006 15:32

Sorry, didn't mean that to sound odd. I don't have many options myself so I do sympathise!!

beansprout · 16/02/2006 15:31

Are there really no other options? That's a real shame if you have to miss the i/v.

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