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Reduction in hours following ML

29 replies

weakestlink · 27/09/2011 13:56

I went into work today to discuss which days I would be working when I come back in January.

I said I'd be happy with the same pattern as before I left of 3 days / week.

Was told there would only be 2 days for me as they have taken on someone new (to cover me) and increased someone else's hours.

I work as a receptionist in a team of 4 part timers so the role is not/cannot be made redundant as it's fairy essential!

Surely they should have only taken one someone short-term to cover me and it should be them cutting their hours not me? Whilst I am pretty sure they didnt expect me to return at all, in all my correspondance I have maintained that I will be returning in January (after 52 weeks ML).

2 days will mean only 12 hours instead of 18 which would mean I would not qualify for any help with childcare from tax credits so I would be forced to resign as I do not earn enough (£6.50/hr) to cover childcare for 2. I will also lose the deposit of £150 for DS's nursery place if I don't use it :(

What can I do?!

OP posts:
Uglymush · 11/10/2011 18:41

That is great news Grin but sorry to hear you had to go to such lengths to get what was rightly yours!!

weakestlink · 11/10/2011 16:19

Just got email - apparently it was never in question and of course I will be getting my old job back :)

Never in question my arse though!

OP posts:
weakestlink · 10/10/2011 23:17

Have sent grievance email today.

I hope that makes my boss think a little bit.

She will now hate me forever though!

OP posts:
Uglymush · 09/10/2011 16:36

Hi weakest how have you got on?

Uglymush · 02/10/2011 20:15

good luck weakest I am sure you are doing the right thing. Let us know how you get on. I know you best mate's BF is a solicitor but if I can help in anyway with the policy send me a private message

weakestlink · 02/10/2011 07:24

Still no reply.... going to do as ugly has suggested and raise a formal grievance. Best mate's BF has said to ask for a copy of my contract at the same time (cannot find it).

Have found an email from 30 Nov 2010 with a letter attached stating that my "average hours were 18/week" (= 3 days as my shifts are 6 hours each) which I needed for a claim for employment support allowance when I was off sick during my pregnancy. I was not entitled to SSP becuase of the weeks unpaid leave I took in October.

OP posts:
Uglymush · 30/09/2011 19:52

Handy timing of your friend :)

I think you are right your friends, esp if they are true friends, will understand where you are coming from.

weakestlink · 29/09/2011 23:06

Thank you ugly that's a good plan.

My best mate is bringing her new BF round to meet us on Saturday and most conveniently he is a solicitor specialising in....... Yup you guessed it! Employment Law :) Very considerate of her I know! Anyway he has said he will help me if needs be.

It's all so awkward though as I work with friends! I have tried to go over my manager's head though and go straight to the business owner as she calls the shots. I am keeping in mind though if my friends jobs was at stake then they'd do the same thing.

OP posts:
Uglymush · 29/09/2011 20:46

I'd give it over the weekend and then if still no reply raise it as a formal grievance as then they have to reply within the timeframes set out in the policy. All you are doing helps your case if it ever escalates to that point.

weakestlink · 29/09/2011 18:48

No reply as of yet...

OP posts:
Uglymush · 28/09/2011 11:25

Pleased you are taking some positive action. As Katie says please keep us updated

Good luck

KatieMiddleton · 27/09/2011 22:51

Good for you OP! Love "I have now sought advice" Smile

Good luck and keep us updated. I like to know what happens when I give advice

weakestlink · 27/09/2011 19:53

I have emailed my employer saying that I have now sought advice and I think I am entitled to return to my old job ie. 3 days per week.

I hope this makes her read up on maternity rights! I'm so glad I went in today as at least I still have a few months to get this all sorted out!

If the job market wasn't so bad I would just find a new job but there's no chance of that at the moment sadly!

Maybe I should join a union! This isnt't the first time I have had problems with my employer!

OP posts:
KatieMiddleton · 27/09/2011 16:19

The new act gave extra provision and rolled lots of legislation up into one place. A friend of mine who went through something similar less than two years ago claimed sex discrimination for the reasons you describe sun but I must say the new legislation is better and much clearer.

A maternity action are a fine charity. I've been involved with them before Smile

sun1234 · 27/09/2011 15:52
sun1234 · 27/09/2011 15:50

My info might be out of date. It was sex discrimination when it happened to me seven years ago (or at least the tribunal decided it was). It was a horrible, horrible time in my life.

Initial consultations are free. Also there was a charity that gave good, free advice - i think it was called the maternity alliance. But legal fees are very expensive, unless you have legal cover bought with your home insurance??

KatieMiddleton · 27/09/2011 15:15

It's pregnancy/maternity discimination. Not sex discrimination as covered by the Equality Act 2010. It has it's own special provision which is good because being a woman isn't enough (not all women have babies) and since last April men have been able to take additional paternity leave.

I wouldn't contact a lawyer just yet. They're hugely expensive and the OP's employer sounds incompetent and stupid rather than deliberately discriminating.

sun1234 · 27/09/2011 15:06

Apart from constructive dismissal, its also sexual discrimination. (My lawyer explained that they couldn't/ wouldn't do this to man (because they don't go on maternity leave), so it is happening to you because you are a woman. The important thing to do is to get this sorted out whilst you are still on maternity leave because your protection reduces from the day you go back to work. Call a discrimination lawyer and get a free consultation: they will tell you what your rights are.
Then use that knowledge to convince your employer to reassess their offer to you.
I'd start by writing a letter today to your employer outlining what has happened and expressing your dismay. Don't agree in any way. Just don't comment at all. Send the letter by registered post and keep a copy of it.
Then contact the employment lawyer and consider carefully what they tell you.

Keep a record of every phone call, email, letter and conversation from now on.

weakestlink · 27/09/2011 15:00

Katie I managed to get them to agree to giving me 1/2 accrued AL until end Jan 2012 before I went on ML and 1/2 in January (meaning my return to work day is 01/02/2012) and I have been receiving MA for 39 weeks as I took 4 weeks unpaid holiday during my qualifying period for SMP so did not meet the earnings threshold. But nothing lost as I only earn £117/week anyway and as I was able to choose a few weeks when I had worked extra for my MA claim, I get the full amount of £124 or whatever so I have actually been slightly better off :) No thanks to them though, I did all this myself.

OP posts:
KatieMiddleton · 27/09/2011 14:52

It sounds like they don't have a clue about employment law. For some reason I had assumed you work in a GP surgery but I realise there's nothing in your post to suggest that!

Not having your hours detailed if a fairly major omission. Particularly as it's an employment particular - see here

Tbh I wouldn't bring that up yet. They sound so stupid they may just issue you with an new principle statement giving your hours as 12 a week.

Have they also managed your acrued annual leave and other benefits during your maternity leave?

Uglymush · 27/09/2011 14:51

OP You have now been doing these hours for 3 years that superceedes any contract. even if they thought you were not returning, you would take on a ML cover only at first, it can always become permanent if necessary.

Take out the grievance. At worse resign and claim constructive dismissal but that is very tricky and dirty and get some serious legal advice before doing that one.

Uglymush · 27/09/2011 14:47

Sorry Katie my recent experenience has been, don't make my member redundant make 3 others redundant instead (incidently the rep was so thick that all the other 3 were his members too, so what would he have done if we had agreed to that, insist we made 10 people redundant to save one person!) Or in the case of my 62 year old dad the union failed to fight for him losing his pension with 3 years to go. So I currently have a serious loathing. However I have met and been up against some great union reps in the past and do believe that they have a place. Believe it or not I am a member of one!!! ;)


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weakestlink · 27/09/2011 14:45

I do have a written contract but there is no set number of hours written in it Confused.

Katie funnily I did write to them with a flexible working proposal but they didn't know what I was going on about idiots and in the end I just went in and we agreed on the three days (that was Oct/Nov 2008 not 2009 I was mistaken) and I've been doing those days ever since.

I have no problem taking this further if needs be. I can't understand why they have just assumed I wouldnt come back as the could have easilly taken someone on for short-term ML cover and then this whole headache would not have occurred.

OP posts:
KatieMiddleton · 27/09/2011 14:43

Not all unions are bad! Some are terrible Wink Seriously, I have known some amazing union reps and unions.

Uglymush · 27/09/2011 14:38

Don't be sad about no union, I tend to find them robbing Bds anyway! It doesn't really matter about your contract it is about what you were regularly paid to do before your Mat leave. katie is right take out a formal grievance if they insist down this path

Good luck

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