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Risk Assesments

4 replies

julienetmum · 10/12/2005 21:36

Has anyone ever done a risk assesment for a a pregnant woman? I have seen the DTI booklet but what I really need is a checklist of things to look for in a job such as lifting, being on your feet for long periods of time etc.

OP posts:
WeWhizzzYouAMerryXmas · 10/12/2005 22:04

It does come down to common sense. Just try & point out what she may have to do not only in the teaching but also in the preparation for the teaching session - lifting & stretching for example & then try & keep it in some moderation. Regular rest breaks for example

julienetmum · 10/12/2005 21:59

Its for someone who is teaching children a physical activity. To some extent I am going to have to let her trust her own judgment as to the limits of her physical ability as it is a specialist activity but I fear she may try and do too much.

OP posts:
WeWhizzzYouAMerryXmas · 10/12/2005 21:53

I have done risk assessments - so if you post some details of what job you want to assess, I may be able to help

WeWhizzzYouAMerryXmas · 10/12/2005 21:51

here is HSE stuff
Most important bits to consider are lifting & lack of rest. Depends what type of job you are assessing - Chemical hazards may also be of concern in some professions

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