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Please Help me try to make sense of this...

5 replies

Linnet · 05/12/2005 22:57

I apologise in advance for the length of this post.

I work a job share position.

My job share person left, at that time I worked 2 full days and 2 half days and 2 saturdays over a 6 week period.
My job share person worked 2 full days and no saturday.

when she announced she was leaving I asked if I could change to 3 full days and the new person would do 2 half days and 1 full day. We would both do 1 saturday each over 6 weeks rather than me doing 2.

My line manager asked me to write down the days I would do and the hours and to write down the days and hours the new person would do. I did this and it was checked by my line manager and checked by the staffing department and it was approved.

The one thing the line manager and the staffing department didn't do was add up the hours and check that they amounted to a full time position. Admittedly I didn't add it up either but basically all I had done was jiggle the days that my original job share person and I had done so as far as I knew the hours were covered.

Now I'm being told that this will not work and I've been told by the big boss to try, with my line manager, and sort it out.

To say I'm hacked off beyond belief by this situation is an understatment.

does anybody know if I could just say to my line manager "look you agreed the hours and staffing agreed the hours so I should be allowed to do them?"
If they agreed the hours I really feel that they should stand by that.

What do you think my chances would be?

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Linnet · 06/12/2005 22:36

The big boss is on holiday until next Monday.

Today my line manager and I sat down and I explained again, for the millionth time what hours I would work and what the other girl will work and how if we both do a Saturday this will work out correctly.

It took him most of the day to understand what I meant even though about 10 other people at work understand what I mean. It's the Saturday situation that is causing the problem.

Because it's a job share the big boss wants us both to share the one Saturday so she wants us to do 1 saturday each every 12 weeks. I can't work that out though as I have no idea how the pay would work. I'm not a wages person.

Anyway, upshot is that we have written a suggestion of hours, the same as the ones I originally suggested and my line manager has written it all down to give to big boss when she's back in next Monday.

He has also put in that I have heard nothing from the staffing department about this change. We are assuming that someone told the staffing department about this but they are very inclined to come back and say that they didn't get any paperwork. AS far as we know they were informed and didn't do their job properly.

Meanwhile I'm doing my old hours for the time being and hopefully when this mess is sorted out I'll start my new hours in January.

please keep your fingers crossed for me.

OP posts:
Epiffany · 06/12/2005 22:16

I think because it changes entitlements to pensions and holidays you'll find is why they are digging in...

feastofsteven · 06/12/2005 22:15

sorry can't really help. all that springs to mind is that if the big boss doesn't like the arrangements, he will have to spell out exactly what he does require - you/line manager aren't telepathic.

do you know what hours are being suggested as an alternative?

WeWhizzzYouAMerryXmas · 06/12/2005 22:13

bump for you

Linnet · 05/12/2005 23:20


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