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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Feminist student society sanctioned by Bristol University

81 replies

ArabellaScott · 19/09/2021 19:49

Currently crowdfunding to protect their right to maintain a single sex space.

This looks pretty important, to me. Crowdfunder on Crowd Justice, if you search using the title of this thread you should find it.

'Our case could be the among the first brought by women who were directly prevented from or sanctioned for using the single-sex exemptions under the Equality Act 2010. The rights everyone has to single-sex spaces mean nothing if public bodies and institutions, such as the Bristol SU, can override and dictate which rights women should or should not have.

All we want is to hold our women-only consciousness-raising meetings where we discuss our lives and unapologetically centre ourselves. We simply want the BSU to abide by the law and recognise that their sanctions against us were unfair and discriminatory. We want to continue operating using the single-sex exemptions for our restricted consciousness-raising meetings, and to continue holding our successful public feminists events where everybody is welcomed'

OP posts:
1Endeavour2 · 20/09/2021 08:37

Ed Davy should go and have a cup of tea wth the Taliban. Perhaps he'd like a minister of virtue and vice here to control us uppity women? He's halfway they already.

Abhannmor · 20/09/2021 09:00

Brilliant idea ! Layla Moran perhaps. Or they could bring back Aimee Challenor?

GrumpyMiddleAgedWoman · 20/09/2021 09:20

I've just tried to garden and it won't submit. Hasn't been pulled, has it?

GrumpyMiddleAgedWoman · 20/09/2021 09:29

No worries - it finally went through.

Manderleyagain · 20/09/2021 09:31

Depends what they mean as female though. Does the Equality Act mean biologically female, or legally female? If it's legally female, then that would have include anyone who has a gender recognition certificate (unless I'm mistaken)?

The EA doesn't mention grc's or legal sex, but in the recent high court case (the AEA judicial review attempt) the judge thought trans women would be initially included as female when using single sex exemptions, and could then be excluded using the exception re gender reassignment. So you have to engage 2 exceptions to exclude trans women from an event like Women Talk Back. The judge believed that in drawing up the EA and statutory guidence parliament had not intended trans ppl to be treated the same as other members of their birth sex in the way the exceptions work. You have to justify it in addition to the justification for excluding men generally.

It seems proportionate and legit to me that they should run the events for natal women only, so I think the question is are Bristol students union allowed to disallow it? But I'm no lawyer.

Carriemac · 20/09/2021 19:36

Donations increasing

InvisibleDragon · 20/09/2021 19:41

Was at £9.6k when I donated, so nearly there now

TofuDelights · 20/09/2021 19:47

Thanks for starting a thread about this. I have dug too. It's worth reading the linked comments from the women who have attended the meetings saying how valuable and powerful it felt to be able to talk in a single sex space. It sounds like some of the meetings were heavy going at times, and preconceptions and ideas could be challenging, but I'd bloody love the chance to be able to participate in a group like that some day.

They still have nearly a month to go with the crowd funding and it looks like they are going to smash it out of the park!

ArabellaScott · 20/09/2021 20:40

Great that it's nearly there. I believe if it goes ahead considerably more digs will be needed.

OP posts:
PostingForTheFirstTime · 20/09/2021 20:47

The Glinner Update's latest A Week in the War on Women article provides a link to the crowdfunding site, right at the very end. They're currently £24 away from their target.

Itsinthetreesitscoming · 20/09/2021 20:51

Have donated - good luck to them!

PostingForTheFirstTime · 20/09/2021 21:50


The Glinner Update's latest A Week in the War on Women article provides a link to the crowdfunding site, right at the very end. They're currently £24 away from their target.

Gah. Either they've changed their target or I need to get to Specsavers.....
EarthSight · 20/09/2021 21:52

@AnyOldPrion Yeah - wish someone with legal knowledge would help us clarify this and know what the law actually is.

AnyOldPrion · 21/09/2021 02:36

Given that even the EHRC are clear as mud on the issue, I suspect we’re not likely to find out any time soon.

SaltySheepdog · 21/09/2021 06:57

This is very important case, females need to be able to meet as a group to explore issues as a group

GreekTragedy · 21/09/2021 07:17

Wow they reached their target quick! They've raised it to £50k now.

I may pledge some more. This is so important, and I'm so proud of the young women doing this.

Gives me hope for the future.

SweetGrapes · 21/09/2021 07:47

Digging here too.
Seeing so many young women captured is so sad. It will take them many years and lots of living to unravel their thoughts and think for themselves. So am really happy to see them do this.

Beowulfa · 21/09/2021 13:33

See, if I hear about a men-only group which is men-only for very specific reasons (ie to encourage men to talk about mental health in the most supportive environment possible), my reaction is "what a good idea".

Why do we pander to those whose reaction is "I am not eligible, but I want to join it and ruin it"?

Fariha31 · 21/09/2021 15:21

Why you can indeed find the crowdfunder by googling the title of this thread.

corlan · 26/09/2021 14:57

Just donated. Can't get over the irony that these bright young women are having to spend time and energy fighting for rights they already have! What a depressing state of affairs we've reached.

CreepingDeath · 04/10/2021 21:18

Just wanted to bump this again in case anyone wanted to donate, there is about 2 weeks left and they're just over half way.

I know they stretched the initial target, but it's a really worthy cause.

WaltzingBetty · 04/10/2021 21:31

Donated! Missed it last time, thanks for the bump


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Andante57 · 04/10/2021 21:39

WaltzingBetty how did you donate? I’d like to give a donation.

There are men only clubs which presumably are legal so why not the other way round?

WaltzingBetty · 04/10/2021 21:56


WaltzingBetty how did you donate? I’d like to give a donation.

There are men only clubs which presumably are legal so why not the other way round?

By searching the thread title in google
RealhousewifeofBarnardCastle · 04/10/2021 21:58

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