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Naomi Wolf finally suspended from Twitter

84 replies

ofwarren · 05/06/2021 09:47

The writer of The Beauty Myth, turned conspiracy theorist has finally got the boot from Twitter.

I'll be happy not reading her bilge any more to be honest.

She gave us all a laugh with her "nanopatticles" nonsense though 😂

OP posts:
Paralithic · 05/06/2021 12:51


Wow (and no, she wasn't being sarcastic)

Ah, yes. We’ll always have Belfast Smile
IntoAir · 05/06/2021 13:02

Plus, her increasingly deranged tweets about vaccines gave us all so much pleasure.

I particularly stanned the one about women bleeding by just being in proximity to a vaccinated person

TinselAngel · 05/06/2021 13:06

Those of us who have been vaccinated should be forced to shit in the woods, presumably.

EsmaCannonball · 05/06/2021 13:09

I still don't understand how someone can write a book claiming that thousands of gay men were executed in Victorian Britain without wondering why nobody else had ever written about it or made a documentary about it or why no biographer of Oscar Wilde had ever thought to bring it up. It's actually quite scary that there's a breed of scholarship completely disconnected from facts.

NotTerfNorCis · 05/06/2021 13:11

This made me laugh:

It was amazing to go to Belfast, which does not yet have 5G, and feel the earth, sky, air, human experience, feel the way it did in the 1970s. Calm, still, peaceful, restful, natural.

hedgehogger1 · 05/06/2021 14:00

Who is she?

TheCountessofFitzdotterel · 05/06/2021 14:14

God, how sad.
I remember going to hear her speak at Oxford shortly after The Beauty Myth came out.

murbblurb · 05/06/2021 14:20

the charitable explanation is that she is having a psychotic episode. However, I don't think that makes you tell people you are a medical doctor when she is clearly extremely hard of thinking. She is spreading damaging lies and that needs to be silenced.

Deliriumoftheendless · 05/06/2021 14:40


Those of us who have been vaccinated should be forced to shit in the woods, presumably.

As long as we don’t endanger the bears.
NicknamesAreLikeKleenex · 05/06/2021 14:44

I don’t think she’s actually claimed to be a medical doctor - but obviously the fact that she uses her shiny (but slightly tarnished) new doctorate at the top of her Twitter bio with a blue tick makes her dangerous bollocks that bit more dangerous.

Serpenta · 05/06/2021 14:46


I still don't understand how someone can write a book claiming that thousands of gay men were executed in Victorian Britain without wondering why nobody else had ever written about it or made a documentary about it or why no biographer of Oscar Wilde had ever thought to bring it up. It's actually quite scary that there's a breed of scholarship completely disconnected from facts.

I enjoyed listening to this moment where it's revealed to her that her 'research' (and therefore entire book) is one giant error.
FOJN · 05/06/2021 15:34

She is spreading damaging lies and that needs to be silenced.

TRA's would say the same about us. I haven't seen any of her tweets before today and whilst I can understand the cause for concern about misinformation and her welfare I cannot support silencing people I don't agree. Direct threats of violence or otherwise unlawful content are a different matter.

stumbledin · 05/06/2021 16:18

I'm not on twitter and never really rated NW. But the examples posted here dont seem at all rational. Confused

And not wanting to derail this thread, but have any of you followed Meghan Murphy on her facebook page? Some of her comment about loosing our freedoms because of Covid are quite startling. But maybe that's because I dont understand exactly what is happening in Canada. But can imagine her sharing a platform with Piers Corbyn. Smile

Just posting because of the comment up thread, that you can find someone really creditable, and in fact appreciate their analysis of a situation, and then out of the blue they say something on another issue and you think WtF?!!!!

FeatheredHope · 05/06/2021 16:22

Didn’t help that she was tweeting absolute bollocks about medicine as “Dr” with a blue tick to prove that yes she really was a doctor (of poetry)

This. I’m a big free speech and all that supporter but to put out such BS at times like this in a deliberately misleading manner is downright dangerous.

Sexnotgender · 05/06/2021 16:24


This was the tweet that was the final nail in the coffin apparently

Jeez that’s mad!

Is she ok? Sounds like she needs some real life support.
StealthPolarBear · 05/06/2021 16:28

I follow her and knew she had some wild views but hadn't realised she was quite this bad

Serpenta · 05/06/2021 16:35

Even innocuous tweets about teddy bears were getting her aggravated.

Naomi Wolf finally suspended from Twitter
OneEpisode · 05/06/2021 17:35

stumbledin that Meghan Murphy link now says that she was hacked. What do you think Meghan posted?

MargaritaPie · 05/06/2021 17:57

"Poop from vaccinated people should be kept separate from everyone else's poop in the sewers."

Ha, that's a good one. Not heard that before.

Nodal · 05/06/2021 18:05

I love how she can do MRNA or she can do mrna, but she can't get it right and type mRNA Grin

I do remember saying it was a mistake not to have messenger RNA on the GCSE Biology curriculum, only DNA.

ScreamingMeMe · 05/06/2021 19:32


stumbledin that Meghan Murphy link now says that she was hacked. What do you think Meghan posted?

Yes all Meghan's media was hacked recently
Delphinium20 · 05/06/2021 19:50

Her tweets remind me of a neighbor who will occasionally post a lot of nonsense for hours on our NextDoor. When this happens, we send out a neighbor chain of messages to get in contact with her designated friend and another family member. While she hasn't disclosed her mental illness to us, we get messages back from the friend and family member thanking us for the alert.

Now that Wolf's very unwell thoughts are no longer on display, I wonder if anyone is watching out for her?

Delphinium20 · 05/06/2021 20:03

Meghan Murphy has done a lot of great work for feminism, and I'm honestly worried for her safety as she gets harassed and followed all the time (that kind of harassment can wear on you).

I don't think Murphy is unhinged like Wolf, but when the pandemic started, all I heard from Murphy was grumbling about no longer being able to work/meet up in her favorite bar or coffee shop. I think she took the shared inconvenience and frustration of lockdowns and blew it up as an example of totalitarianism. Youngish, healthy, not-a-caregiver Murphy was speaking from a point of a spoiled millennial, not a revolutionary. It's public's not perfect, but most people tried to do their best but she threw a tantrum from a place of privilege.

It was a bad look, IMO, but I don't see Murphy in the same category as Wolf, who is bonkers.

OneEpisode · 05/06/2021 20:16

I didn’t actually see Meghan’s comments, but I do think a free society should discuss the restrictions placed on younger people (for instance Meghan lives alone I think, in an apartment?) vs the social benefit for vulnerable people like me. No debate is not a successful solution to anything.

stumbledin · 05/06/2021 23:47

Sorry if my post confused you.

Feminist Current web site and twitter has been hacked.

However her personal account on facebook is still (I hope) okay and I have been a facebook "friend" for sometime, and for nearly a year now she has been very vocal about covid rules being an attack on individual freedoms. But maybe as said up thread, it is a sort of spoiled millenium, but many younger people have been able to see that they might be carriers and so have accepted restrictions. It was just her whole tone.

I was just a bit taken aback as she sounded like those right wing tories or trump americans. All this I as an individual am more important that the common good. Wearing a mask is an infringement of my liberty. Or some such.

Even if you are not on facebook you can scroll through her posts but have to keep clicking away the irritating notice about joining facebook. If you can be bothered to look through posts for the past few months!

And the most recent post was about Feminist Current being hacked and how to help, but then there is a link to a web site behind a paywall!!??!!

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