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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

GenderGP update

38 replies

MiffyTyfied · 31/05/2021 11:30

Was wondering if anyone knows about Helen Webberley & GenderGP, her appeal against suspension

A question has also been asked
As to whether or not her offshore firm is still being allowed to supply blockers given the complaint about the pharmacy who were filling out the prescriptions.

And has there has been any movement regarding regulatory involvement?

OP posts:
Helleofabore · 26/01/2022 10:54

So, they are suing the Greens due to the Greens dropping them as a candidate for a local election.

A complaint was made against me that alleged I was putting the party at 'immediate risk’ by saying that my sex is female in response to the 2021 census.

Is from their crowdfunder.

I won't say all the things I wish to as it would be deleted. But it really does seem to be that this person expects to be heralded as a heroic brave figure and given more leniency than typically afforded to Political party candidates / employees. And then when the reality is they are treated as just another candidate or employee and not a magic one, it is too hard to cope with.

There really does need to be some responsibility taken for this lack of mental health by a community who advocates so strongly for 'safe' discussions and 'safe' environments that are in reality completely sanitised cocoons. And responsibility taken by the adult themselves for not seeking appropriate mental health care for their underlying health issues.

I actually hope that the Greens do go forth with this court case. It would be remarkable to see the dirty washing aired and it may stop the belief that some people can operate as a sacred sub group to the rest of society.

In saying that. I also hope that Gender GP and other organisations start to dramatically reduce the % of contractors these organisations use and start employing people and giving them appropriate employment benefits.

Helleofabore · 26/01/2022 10:33

Well they also have one for facial feminisation surgery too. It is not doing very well at all.

WarriorN · 26/01/2022 09:41

Don’t they have a crowdfunded to take the Greens to court for discrimination?

Or is that the wrong person?

I think same person; I believe they're suing the greens. Which will severely hurt the party.

TurquoiseBaubles · 26/01/2022 09:02

From one of those articles it's interesting to see how they run the financial side of things. It appears that they charge an initial registration fee, a monthly fee and then prescription charges on top.

// - whodathunkit's link above

"Because even the sign-up fee is upwards of £200 and once you've subscribed it's a fee of £30 pounds per month then £60 per consultation and then above that the cost of any prescription."

That seems a strange (at best) way to run something that's meant to be a medical treatment.

highame · 26/01/2022 08:38

Helleofabore aspiration or asphyxiation 😂

TheAbbotOfUnreason · 25/01/2022 23:28

In other news …

… Webberley will be back in front of the MPTS on 4th April.

JustcameoutGC · 25/01/2022 20:04

Total scam artist make shitty employer shocker

StrangeLookingParasite · 25/01/2022 17:37

What on earth did they expect? They can't possibly still believe this organisation is run for altruistic reasons, can they?

(I think I know the answer).

Helleofabore · 25/01/2022 17:37


Looks like Kat is limbering up to explain why, with such abominable treatment, she isn't taking the case to an employment tribunal. Maybe sweetening everyone up for a crowd funder. Interesting though

Don’t they have a crowdfunded to take the Greens to court for discrimination?

Or is that the wrong person?

This is the person who was co-chair of the women’s committee who post wonderful tweets about crying because they were on estrogen and womanly. Gosh they were an aspiration. I learned a lot about the plight of women from that one.
PankhurstConnection · 25/01/2022 17:16

Even if Kat could prove Kat was an employee, where would Kat take it to tribunal? Where was Kat contracted/employed (as in which country)? Gender GP is apparently not a UK company so presumably Kat was working remotely for someone abroad? Though I would be very interesting if they managed to show they GenderGP were operating in the UK and I imagine certain regulators would be too.

Yes and I suspect they capitalise on this fact very heavily and to the detriment of their employees.

Alekto · 25/01/2022 16:49

Good point Lovelyricepudding! I'd not thought of that.

Lovelyricepudding · 25/01/2022 16:44


Looks like Kat is limbering up to explain why, with such abominable treatment, she isn't taking the case to an employment tribunal. Maybe sweetening everyone up for a crowd funder. Interesting though

Even if Kat could prove Kat was an employee, where would Kat take it to tribunal? Where was Kat contracted/employed (as in which country)? Gender GP is apparently not a UK company so presumably Kat was working remotely for someone abroad? Though I would be very interesting if they managed to show they GenderGP were operating in the UK and I imagine certain regulators would be too.
Hoardasurass · 25/01/2022 16:39

Thank you @Alekto

StillNotAGirl · 25/01/2022 16:24

We only have one side here but that sounds like poor management and possible discrimination against the trans employees. Which is obviously wrong.

I hope Ind Bristow sues them and gets lots of publicity for that shitshow

highame · 25/01/2022 16:11

Looks like Kat is limbering up to explain why, with such abominable treatment, she isn't taking the case to an employment tribunal. Maybe sweetening everyone up for a crowd funder. Interesting though

bishophaha · 25/01/2022 16:09

The threadreader link still has them all, I think?

Thread Reader

Kat Bristow Profile picture
Kat Bristow
Twitter logo
11h • 13 tweets • 3 min read
As people have worked out, I no longer work for GenderGP. This is hard as they provide vital care, but their working conditions were a large part of why I spent most of last year in a nervous breakdown. So, I've decided the harm they've done to me shouldn't be excused. 1/13
First of all, GenderGP considers everyone who works for them as contractors. I was paid £9 a hour, with no holiday pay, no sick pay or any other benefits. I was told this what everyone willing agreed to keep costs low as possible, this is popular lie from management. 2/13
The catalyst for my nervous breakdown was a hit piece by the Daily Mail in February 2021 about being elected co-chair of Green Party women. I thought I would find support at GenderGP, but my political participation just became an greater issue for them as time went on. 3/13
I was made to feel bad anytime GenderGP was mentioned in a transphobic article about me, and made to feel like it was my fault that these things are being published. Around Feb 2021, I also started to need time off for my mental health, but couldn't as it would be unpaid. 4/13
From there, I started struggling to meet my contracted hours due to the nervous breakdown. I was pulled into some meetings for the first few months of this happening, including one where I was told maybe I shouldn't have a job right now, which caused more mental stress. 5/13
This goes on until September when the following linked tweet gets posted. The company reaction was to try to find who was the source for this. A few weeks went by and they seemed to pin it on someone who internally complained about working conditions. 6/13
A group of us inside the company decided to write to Helen. We asked for no action to be taken against the person they were pinning this on, a living wage, holiday pay, sick pay, a support group for trans colleagues and for a senior position to be created for a trans person. 7/13
Most of GenderGP's senior management are cis and are friends or family of one another. I felt troubled for a long time about the nepotism that I felt was happening.
The letter was not well received by management, but no further action was taken against our colleague at least 8/13
Management then started what I felt was a very hostile round of questions to each of us separately, when we asked for a group meeting in the letter. I felt like a lot of these questions missed the point of the concerns that we raised and were there to intimate me. 9/13
One of the questions, which I'll quote in full was "Some of the requests in the letter appear to be asking for different terms and conditions for our trans team members. How does that sit, from your perspective, with the notion of equality with your cisgender colleagues?" 10/13
About a week after this, I was pulled into another meeting about my hours and a performance improvement plan was put in place for the first time. Two weeks later I was pulled into a final meeting after still not being able to do enough hours and was essentially terminated. 11/13
I'm under no illusion why my hours suddenly became a bigger issue for them than before, but I had to speak up for what I thought was right, even if it led to me being unemployed, which it seems like it did. I guess I'm still trying to do what is right. 12/13
I know I'm likely to lose some friends, and not everyone will agree with me posting this. In short, I feel like because I wanted to help people, which GenderGP definitely does for its patients, I was taken advantage of for my labour at the expense of my own mental health. 13/13

ScreamingMeMe · 25/01/2022 16:09


And already all tweets except for the 1st have been deleted

I can still see all of them.

Gosh, it's almost like GenderGP is a cynical money-making scheme that doesn't really care about the welfare of trans people.
PearPickingPorky · 25/01/2022 16:02


I wonder what Gender GP defines a “fully functional female” as….

A hole that can be penetrated by a penis.

That's all we are.
Alekto · 25/01/2022 15:48
Hoardasurass · 25/01/2022 15:40

And already all tweets except for the 1st have been deleted

Lovelyricepudding · 25/01/2022 15:40

Fancy that!

LilithOfEden · 25/01/2022 15:23

I can hear tiny violins. Really teeny, tiny ones.


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IndigoToo · 25/01/2022 15:19

I wonder what Gender GP defines a “fully functional female” as….

Theeyeballsinthesky · 25/01/2022 15:11

Hahahaha sorry but good lord they really are the centre of their own universe aren't they

Meeeeeeeeeeeee!! Everything I want should be given to meeeeeeeee!

PearPickingPorky · 25/01/2022 15:09

All such reasonable, professional people in such a well-run organisation.

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