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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Maya and the new EHRC chairwoman in the Times!

92 replies

ahagwearsapointybonnet · 15/05/2021 00:27

Hopefully this will work..

OP posts:
stumbledin · 16/05/2021 01:10

She is getting very little support on twitter Sad

Fallingirl · 16/05/2021 02:23

Will we be able to tweet Limericks (that aren’t even Limericks) now, without expecting a call from the police? Will the police have to reign themselves in now?

-and will MNHQ be discrimination on the basis of belief if they disallow calling a man who claims to be a woman, a man?

ChoosandChipsandSealingWax · 16/05/2021 10:00


She is getting very little support on twitter Sad

Can we please add some support pronto?! We don’t want this rolled back!!!!
Theluggage15 · 16/05/2021 10:09

I’ve added a supportive comment.

BingBongSong · 16/05/2021 10:10

2.3k comments on the Times article!

Artichokeleaves · 16/05/2021 10:11

Also important to be very clear about 'proportionate' in those exceptions.

It it not proportionate to exclude female people of faith, disability, trauma, culture, many other reasons from a female single sex facility for a male person who wishes to be there.

It is not proportionate to remove privacy and dignity from all female people present to provide privacy and dignity for a male person who is concerned they would not have this in male single sex facilities.

It is absolutely not bloody proportionate to expose female prisoners to the risk of harassment, assault and worse by known male offenders to provide male offenders with affirmation in their identity. The disparity of standards is utterly gobsmacking in its sexism.

The proportionate response would be to ensure that a male person is always provided with a safe, dignified alternative provision.

inigomontoyahwillcox · 16/05/2021 10:19


Also important to be very clear about 'proportionate' in those exceptions.

It it not proportionate to exclude female people of faith, disability, trauma, culture, many other reasons from a female single sex facility for a male person who wishes to be there.

It is not proportionate to remove privacy and dignity from all female people present to provide privacy and dignity for a male person who is concerned they would not have this in male single sex facilities.

It is absolutely not bloody proportionate to expose female prisoners to the risk of harassment, assault and worse by known male offenders to provide male offenders with affirmation in their identity. The disparity of standards is utterly gobsmacking in its sexism.

The proportionate response would be to ensure that a male person is always provided with a safe, dignified alternative provision.

This, in spades.
YetAnotherSpartacus · 16/05/2021 11:47

This is just such FANTASTIC news :)

quixote9 · 17/05/2021 08:56

So relieved someone at the top of the tree is actually willing to say, "sex is real," "You have to listen to women" "Women can have beliefs, same as everyone else."

It's actually sad how relieved I am. This should be normal for God's sake. Not so near unique I have to hold on to avoid a meltdown.

stumbledin · 17/05/2021 14:41

Just to point out I am not sure she has every said sex if real. She has just said women have the right to believe that and it is her job to balance women's beliefs against TW beliefs. Sad

But at least she is saying women have the right to voice their "beliefs"!

Imnobody4 · 18/05/2021 16:51

And now the backlash
'We are disappointed that, despite the realms of possibility to improve LGBTQ+ people’s lives and our access to our human rights, the EHRC has driven forward very little for our communities in recent years. Against that backdrop of a lack of support for LGBTQ+ people, we are frustrated that you then chose to intervene in a case to say that so-called ‘gender critical’ beliefs should be a protected philosophical belief.'

'Open letter from Stonewall, Gendered Intelligence, Mermaids etc... berating EHRC for intervening in my case.'

'But remember, there is no conflict of rights, and it is fine that most government departments have signed up to be overseen by Stonewall 🙄'

Erikrie · 18/05/2021 17:01

Open letter from Stonewall, Gendered Intelligence, Mermaids etc... berating EHRC for intervening in my case.'

My heart bleeds for them. Boo hoo.

persistentwoman · 18/05/2021 17:11

Meh. They're just panicking that after their complete failure to recognise that there are competing rights in all this alongside the collapse of the intimidatory #nodebate, their incomes are going to be affected. Grin

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 18/05/2021 17:17

They're just panicking that after their complete failure to recognise that there are competing rights in all this alongside the collapse of the intimidatory #nodebate, their incomes are going to be affected

I suspect they are also panicking about the fact they have been the primary purveyors of incorrect legal advice to many many institutions, who presumably won't be very happy with them when the house of cards comes down...

Erikrie · 18/05/2021 17:20

I suspect they are also panicking about the fact they have been the primary purveyors of incorrect legal advice to many many institutions, who presumably won't be very happy with them when the house of cards comes down

Be nice if some of these companies sued them for incorrect advice. After all, they did set themselves up as some kind of expert. Surely there should be some kind of financial penalty for getting it so very wrong. One wouldnt be blamed for thinking deliberately. 🤷I wonder if they have good insurance 😁

Leafstamp · 18/05/2021 17:23

That letter, to me, seem yet another example of being "all about the feelz" and containing no critical, evidenced arguments that hold any water whatsoever.

I'm probably biased, but who uses "kick in the teeth" in a letter they want to be taken seriously and sound professional in?!

Gibbonsgibbonsgibbons · 18/05/2021 18:12

Professional isn't really in their wheelhouse; if it were people might start expecting them to reflect current law, provide verifiable statistics, etc etc Hmm

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