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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Transgender children are children

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PrincessNutella · 27/07/2021 04:17

Usain Bolt is something like 6'5"--amazingly, he copes with wind resistance just fine.

ImpMarcusMinion · 25/07/2021 21:39

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OhHolyJesus · 26/06/2021 14:34

I would expect nothing less than for excuses to be found to divert attention away from testosterone levels and honestly at this stage I would think it's quite possible that those in the sport would start looking at the hurdle spacing and start re-adjusting the distances to make it easier for competitors like Tefler, they wouldn't want to be seen discrimination against a marginalise and vulnerable group now would they. Perhaps they could do some more bowing and scraping whilst they are on their hands and knees moving those hurdles.

Cailleach1 · 26/06/2021 13:40

Oh, goodness. I've seen this person's comment that being tall disadvantages them against the other (presumably smaller females) as they experience more wind resistance up there. Well the male body must be conferring an even bigger advantage then, so as to cancel that 'tallness disadvantage' and whoop females.

Are the smaller males winning the male events over taller males, then? Only short people in each sex winning against their own sex? Was Telfer so low in rankings against their own sex as they were 6'2"?

MarkRuffaloCrumble · 26/06/2021 13:37


Tefler is out of the Olympic trials.

"According to subsequent notification to CeCe from World Athletics on June 22, she has not been able to demonstrate her eligibility."

My understanding is that Tefler blames wind drag due to the height Tefler is at 6ft2 and that the hurdles are too close together, as it set for women and girls.

Oh my Shock I wonder if they will insist that the set-up is changed so as no to discriminate against all the 6’2” people women and girls competing?! What a turn up for the books, it appears that our physiology is indeed different in some ways. If only someone had pointed that out. Confused
Cailleach1 · 26/06/2021 13:20


the hurdles are too close together, as it set for women and girls
Maybe Telfer would like the authorities to adjust the hurdle distance to make it easier for for Telfer. It seems a bit transphobic to assume that all those running in the women’s race are female bodied.

The hurdles are already lower than in the male events. Is this not enough of an advantage for those with a the male body who compete against women and girls?
toffeebutterpopcorn · 26/06/2021 13:09

Only this week DS (16) was commenting on how in the track events he was doing the boys were miles ahead of the girls now, but when they were in little school they were more equal. I asked if he wanted me to explain puberty...

334bu · 26/06/2021 12:27

Telfer couldn't compete because of testosterone levels being too high.

aliasundercover · 26/06/2021 11:45

the hurdles are too close together, as it set for women and girls
Maybe Telfer would like the authorities to adjust the hurdle distance to make it easier for for Telfer. It seems a bit transphobic to assume that all those running in the women’s race are female bodied.

Helleofabore · 26/06/2021 11:19

My understanding is that Tefler blames wind drag due to the height Tefler is at 6ft2 and that the hurdles are too close together, as it set for women and girls.

Awww dear.... it is soooo hard being a woman isn't it and noticing that women's strides are rather different even if a female was also the same height...

YouSetTheTone · 26/06/2021 10:26
And yet this article (discussed on a different thread) states that the athlete is still eligible to play on the women’s team because gender identity is different to biological sex.

Obviously that’s abundantly true. But if it’s calmly stated here as if ‘duh of course Quinn should play on the women’s team’ then WHY is it disputed so heavily elsewhere?

Tabasco007 · 26/06/2021 10:25

It shows the real problem here is that many people are strongly motivated to duck the task of educating boys to accept gender non-conforming boys in their spaces and activities.

I think you summed it up with this comment! @nauticant

OhHolyJesus · 26/06/2021 10:20

Tefler is out of the Olympic trials.

"According to subsequent notification to CeCe from World Athletics on June 22, she has not been able to demonstrate her eligibility."

My understanding is that Tefler blames wind drag due to the height Tefler is at 6ft2 and that the hurdles are too close together, as it set for women and girls.

nauticant · 24/04/2021 13:24

However, Republican legislators across the country have struggled to come up with actual instances in which a transgender girl's participation has caused a problem on a girls' sports team.

Surely the mere fact of CeCe Telfer and Andraya Yearwood winning sporting competitions meaning that girls lose is enough to disprove this assertion. Anything but that for some reason.

It shows the real problem here is that many people are strongly motivated to duck the task of educating boys to accept gender non-conforming boys in their spaces and activities.

Aroundtheworldin80moves · 24/04/2021 13:18

Transgender children are welcome to play both mixed sex and their genetic sex sports. They aren't banned.

Of course they may not win. But there's only one winner... Have they forgotten the part about participation being important?

Helleofabore · 24/04/2021 13:13

By signing this legislation, governor Ivey is forcefully excluding transgender children.

Ah no... transgender children are very welcome to play with the others of their birth sex. This is so overly emotive and frankly ridiculous when the science is considered.

And we need to consider the science.

Let's be clear here: transgender children are children.

Of course they are. Who is saying anything else?

But the Australian study of school children found that even from around 6, males showed advantages. Hilton and Lundberg included this in their review. Follow the proven science.

andyoldlabour · 24/04/2021 13:00

Sports are categorised by "sex" for very obvious reasons. Anyone questioning if that is fair, is IMHO being very disingenuous.

ArcheryAnnie · 24/04/2021 12:52

Nobody is banned from taking part in sports, as long as they join the teams appropriate to their situation.

JediGnot · 24/04/2021 12:48

"Supporters of the bill, HB 391, insist transgender girls are born bigger and faster and have an unfair advantage in competition."

Surely, if the supporters of the bill have any sense, they insist that on average biological males are bigger and faster and have an unfair advantage, AND present a physical danger in some sports?

"But critics say the bills are rooted in discrimination and fear, and breach the federal law barring sex discrimination in education." So critics of the bill say that it is illegal to have single sex sports teams at schools and universities? Really, is that true?

aliasundercover · 24/04/2021 12:40

'Transgender girls' are not banned from anything. Like everyone else they are able to take part in sports for their sex.

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