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Women Speak Scotland : Women's Rights Manifesto ( Article in Scotsman)

22 replies

334bu · 07/03/2021 07:41

Given Hate Crime Bill debate this week interesting article.

OP posts:
OhHolyJesus · 07/03/2021 08:17

Scotland is such a mess, I am really worried about the elections and this hate crime Bill.

The women's manifesto will be interesting to see. IWD tomorrow! The UN have made it about leadership and 'for the next woman' (not that they know what one is) and I find that a side step so to look like they care but at the same time make it acceptable to put men into positions of influence meant for women.

A women's manifesto written by women for women is actual leadership, from the ground up.

littlbrowndog · 07/03/2021 11:28


littlbrowndog · 07/03/2021 11:32
littlbrowndog · 07/03/2021 11:36

And this

Women Speak Scotland : Women's Rights Manifesto ( Article in Scotsman)
334bu · 07/03/2021 12:27

Must send those emails about Hate Crime Bill. Seem to be spending every weekend writing to MSPs.Sad

OP posts:
fatblackcatspaw · 07/03/2021 13:22

please do ! we want those MSPs inboxes full to over flowing

FindTheTruth · 07/03/2021 13:54

can anyone write to the msps? or do you have to be living in Scotland?

334bu · 07/03/2021 14:19

Not sure if only Scottish residents. More info here?

OP posts:
Wandawomble · 07/03/2021 14:22

Comments on the Scotsman article being hijacked by a couple of #Notallmen men.

FindTheTruth · 07/03/2021 15:18

334bu looks like Scottish residents only, in the FWS call to action:

"You have one constituency MSP and seven regional MSPs - they will all be voting next Wednesday so please contact ALL EIGHT of them. To find out who they are and their email addresses just enter your postcode HERE. Remember to put your address at the bottom of your email so MSPs know you are in their constituency/region."

NonnyMouse1337 · 08/03/2021 07:43

Thanks for starting the thread. The Manifesto is up on the WSS website now.

NonnyMouse1337 · 08/03/2021 13:49

Bumping for the afternoon crowd. Smile

PankhurstTastic · 08/03/2021 17:19

Link to finding your list & regional MSPs using your postcode:

NonnyMouse1337 · 08/03/2021 18:05

Do you know if there's an easy way to find out all the candidates standing for election?

Maduixa · 09/03/2021 12:34

THANK YOU for doing this, anyone and everyone who contributed to drafting, editing, and/or publicising this initiative!

I've lived abroad (out of mainly Brexit-related necessity) for the last few years and likely will for the next few, but am still on the electoral roll in Glasgow. I normally avoid contacting my MSPs or MP because I assume they are busy with constituency matters. I even feel guilty voting in UK/Scottish elections, as I will likely not be there to suffer the immediate consequences.

This time, though, I will: speak, write, and vote. This is too important and it matters too much to women and girls, especially the most vulnerable.

Thank you for giving us a common blueprint - and one that the Scottish Government and the various parties can't ignore - to concretely discuss women's rights and realities in the context of Scotland and of this upcoming election. I would not be surprised if people outside Scotland use this work an an inspiration and a blueprint.

NonnyMouse1337 · 09/03/2021 13:07

Thank you Maduixa. It's been a busy few weeks for us to get it all put together, but we hope it helps voters.

We're trying to put together a list of all the candidates in the constituency and regional areas, and it would be great to have lots of women and men willing to approach candidates and speak to them about the issues raised in the manifesto. If anyone would like to contribute to this activity, please get in touch ([email protected])

Waitwhat23 · 09/03/2021 13:10

I've written to my MSP's regarding the amendments to the Hate Crime Bill - I've only had two replies. One of which was from a Conservative MSP which is written in such a round about way that I am genuinely unable to work out whether he supports the amendments or not. The other was from a Labour MSP who seems to generally support sex based rights - I was pleasantly surprised. No replies from anyone in the SNP.

Massive thanks to For Women Scotland for pushing this and for giving such good information - I wouldn't have known where to start in terms of pointing out specific amendments and their possible consequences.

Waitwhat23 · 09/03/2021 13:12

Oh, and I also throughly recommend using the Write to Them website in terms of ease of use if you've not got much time.

littlbrowndog · 09/03/2021 13:14

There was a advert in a paper today as well I yjimk

Women Speak Scotland : Women's Rights Manifesto ( Article in Scotsman)
NonnyMouse1337 · 09/03/2021 14:26


There was a advert in a paper today as well I yjimk

That's a great advert.
NonnyMouse1337 · 11/03/2021 08:33

Bumping this up. Candidates need to know we're not going away quietly this election. Smile

NonnyMouse1337 · 22/03/2021 18:20

The Scotsman are hosting virtual hustings every Tuesday at 6:30pm to cover all eight regions.

Last week was the Lothians and it can be watched here

Tomorrow is South Scotland.
Email questions for candidates to [email protected] with your name, location, age and occupation.

Women Speak Scotland want to hear from women - Why does the Manifesto resonate with you? Why do you think it's needed? What might candidates do to reassure you that women's rights will be respected and protected in Scotland?
We will publish women's thoughts on this election on our blog - if you submit a piece, it can be in your own name if you feel comfortable or anonymous if that's preferable.

Get in touch -



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